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reviewed Abuse By Maz - Freeslay


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1. Abuser name: Maz

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_1:0:88931559

3. What server: CS:GO Jailbreak

4. About what time: 11:30 - 11:40 pst


6. Please tell us about the incident: Maz is a brand new admin as of today. I came into server and automatically i saw a guy trying to mass freekill a stack of T's by big cage so i Tlisted him before he could kill more. ( http://hellsgamers.c...9456-dandamanza ) And after i tlisted him, maz tells me to not tlist him. and told me to tlock him. and i told him that he was trying to mass freekill. Then he begins to say that it was just an accident and he didnt mean it. and i said no and asked him are you a new admin. and he began to deny being new and asked me if i was. Then in chat i asked him his age and when he got admin he said hes 15 (he sounds younger than that on mic) and he got admin today. Then he automatically slays hugh janus for no reason what so ever. hugh was gone for about 1-2 mins using the bathroom and T's were doing deathrun. Hugh was not near T's to where he was baiting nor was he camping before last. Maz slayed him without warning and began to say he was afk when he wasnt even gone for that long. Then he begins to change his story by saying he was camping as well. As the SS show.Ive tried telling this kid to read admin rules but he wouldnt listen when he tried to defend the guy i tlisted. freeslapping and telling hugh that he has power to do stuff now.


Hugh Janus: but he just

Hugh Janus: slayed right away

-hg- PuppyPaws: where were you when you were slayed

Hugh Janus: top of infirm

-hg- PuppyPaws: okay


From steam chat



slaying himself because he was fired and sent to echair then saying in chat after i asked him why he slayed himself and he put "because i was foored" then on mic he said i slayed myself because i can and was fired



slaying himself in echair because he said he can and was bored. slapping T's by spamming chat and then slapped T's for no reason















Edited by Kingpolo
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I'm aware i should not have slayed Hugh Janus that i should have gave a warning, i did latet apoligize for the slay to him and i said i would try harder. Yes i am a new admin but i bought admin purely for the fact that i am constantly freekilled and when i tell other admins nothing is done about it, they dont ask why i was killed nothing i even sent an admin proof of me being freekilled once and still nothing was done, thats why i bought admin if you wanted to know. as for the slay in echair i know i shoulden't have but i didin't have console binded at the time and i wanted to suicide, i do apologize for the abuse in that. As for the slapping ts we were having a pirate day on the top of big cage, if you don't know what a pirate day is its where an admin slaps the ts and if you fall off you die, simple enough it was fun actually everyone was laughing and having a good time. I would love to be unband i do realize my mistakes and i know not to make the same ones again, lol so ya thanks for reading this :).


^ no cue why its like that but mk




Oh, forgot 1 thing the tlist. I did not tell puppypaws to NOT tlist him i simply asked why he did on my screen it looked like a complete accident. To me it looked like he tryed to kill 1 maybe that was jumping and got all 3. I don't know if thats what happened or if puppypaws was right and he was trying to mass freekill. I didin't question it any further than that.

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I know your a new admin and you just joined hg 3 days ago. But theres a reason why i kept saying to you in admin chat to go read the admin bible so none of this happens ive said it aleast 5 times for you to go read the admin bible before something bad happens. But explain to me why you said to hugh janus i have the power too slap you and ect.. You also slapped a T because he asked for it because you wanted to test your slap. You dont need to test any admin commands they all work perfectly fine. Admin powers are for helping keep the server fun by getting rid of derps. not just using admin powers because you have them now. Just cause you bought admin does not give you power over everyone else because you have the power to slay,slap,tlock,tlist. I know how you feel when it comes to getting freekilled and admins do nothing. but the rule for admins is they must see the freekill happen. which helps keep abuse down and no freeslaying from happening. IF YOU READ THE ADMIN BIBLE it tells you all this information to help keep your 15$ admin for the whole month and not losing it for some dumb reason because you neglected to read it. I know everyone screws up and its an accident but dont start getting lazy by slaying your self and using admin commands because you have them at your disposal.

This abuse report is not for you to lose admin in my mind. i dont want to see you waste 15$... but if you dont listen to the 5 times ive told you to READ THE ADMIN BIBLE you will lose it. (if you lose your admin for this abuse im sorry, but you have got to learn to listen to admins who have expierience and know what they are doing and not question them. if you have questions there is a forum for admins to where you can ask your questions and they will be answered.)

Also dont ever lie to other admins. when i asked you when you got admin you said youve had it for awhile. and i asked your age and you said 15 then you said on mic your 14. when i DC and RC under a different name.

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We appreciate the gold donation, but the admin access that comes with it should be held with great responsibility. I will accept your apologies after you read http://hellsgamers.c...break-servers/. Never do an admin command on a player without doing !who <playername>. If that player comes up as an admin you are not allowed to do any admin command on them. You are not allowed to slay players/yourself just because you wanted the round over,type kill in console to kill yourself. If you have an issue with an admin make a ban report and let HG CSGO Staff handle it. Next time take advise from other admins, or seek help from staff.

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I did stop after i realised that it was spamming the chat. I asked puppypaws what the bind was to slap them without spamming chat so i was able to do a pirate day and he said "its a secret between HG" i'm an admin he should tell me if i ask not make up some bullshit story that its a secret? i mean like come on Dat A$$ told me when i asked.


Also i have read the link you sent me ASCII thanks for that. You did say that you would unban me after reading it so please do so thanks :)

Edited by RedDevil6193
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