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reviewed Hg | Free Hugs [A] Abuse

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1. Abuser name: HG | Free Hugs [A]


2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:16412227


3. What server: CS:GO HG MiniGames


4. About what time: July 6th, 2014 (11:30 EST)




6. Please tell us about the incident: In the MiniGames server, Free Hugs came in and started to "even out" the teams (which you cannot do) by switching players to the other team. He not only switched regular players, but also admins. After that, he decided to BURN and TIMEBOMB AFK players instead of just slaying them. There was an instance where he put fire on someone AND timebombed them, one after another. The next offense is that he timebombed me, an admin, because he said "You're just camping".


All the offenses committed after he joined the server. Admins such as myself and other trusted HG admins follow the rules closely and do not abuse. We need all ranking members/admins to follow these rules because no one should be exempt by them, especially if it ruins the game play in the server. Many HG admins (both trusted and paid) can back me up on this.



1. Team Switching

2. Team Switching Admins

3. Abuse of timebomb/burn

4. Timebombed an Admin

Edited by hi im pineapple
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To reply..


1. I was asked to team switch as it was a competition game. The teams were 7 to 16 at one point. Definitely not fair when it's 1 team vs. another.


2. I was strictly selecting members at the top of the teams and moving them. The team switch commands do not work on this map anyway so nothing was actually done.


3 and 4. I was strictly time bombing players who had not moved from spawn. This is highly successful as it gives a 10 second warning before slaying someone instead. I feel this is the proper action in this case as a slay just doesn't give enough warning.


If I saw someone moving I immediately stopped the time bomb as was the case with you.


I find it funny you say "offence" as if I purposely harmed you. If that was the case, I apologize for my "offensive" behavior.

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Spoke to Pineapple and Free Hugs in Teamspeak3, and covered these points. 1+2 DA's sometimes may step in to make the server playable/enjoyable/fair. Division Advisors may use admin commands on other admins as they are HG staff. 3+4 Normally we slay/movespec the afks, these slays were just special access slays only accessible to DA+. I spoke to Free Hugs as to next time explain more clearly to the server what he is doing as to not cause confusion. This appears to be a misunderstanding. For better analysis please record a demo, as they provide a clearer picture.


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