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not abuse No! Clifford K Abuse Report


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1. Abuser name: No! Clifford K

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:18237323

3. What server: CS:GO Jailbreak

4. About what time: 11 pm Est

5. PROOF: Two Demos

6. Please tell us about the incident


Clifford proposed that if two more players died to !sungod he would step down from lead. The moment those two stepped he said "Peace out n*****s" and killed himself via console. I believe he thought his mic would cut out a lot sooner than it did because he kept denying he said it. Right after you can hear other players asking, "did he just say the n word"? Since he's an admin no one could kick him and he did not leave and continued playing and denying. He claimed that he "killed himself in the middle of a sentence" as you can hear at the VERY beginning of the demo titled "racist.dem".


Just a few round later, Clifford decides to send some remaining Ts to stack in a race stall. Once done, he gives the orders to crouch backwards down the sidewalk that the M4 and AK are found and tells us to only use that sidewalk. This breaks the rule in the bible that states, "Cant make ts go near soda dispenser that does damage or go near ak/m4 button that kills them". Upon confrontation he claims that he "saw another admin do it the other day" and continues playing it off as if nothing happened. Again, since he is an admin, no one could slay him for this invalid order and he refused to slay himself, step down, etc.


On the first demo titled "racist1.dem", begin at tick 66,000.



On the second demo titled "racist.dem", begin at tick 1 and then skip to tick 10,500.


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