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So yesterday I started streaming for the first time but the one thing I was mostly disapointed in was my mic. I feel that It doesnt sound like my actual voice. If anyone can recomend and mid to high end mics. I currently use something called a mod mic (I will link later) when I officially get set up, I will be streaming horror games so people can see my sissy reactions. I don't have duel monitors so its hard to keep in contact with my viewers :/ I can talk to them on ts3 but since twitch has a 15 second delay, they normally react late and there voices from ts3 also pop up in the stream. Can anyone recomend something to kinda re route teamspeak so that doesnt pop up in the stream but everything else does. That would be greatly appreciated. Also any tips would help as well. (I currently use obs to record).

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With obs select the certain window/s option and it will only stream those window/s

Thats not the problem I have, just certain audio I want to exclude.


Idk if u fixed this already or have this problem. But but your resolution in obs 1280x720 to prevent black bars


Don't have that issue yet thankfully. Runs 1080 pefectly fine.


Not 100% about it but to remove ts from the stream you need to make teamspeak and whatever you want on stream on different audio devices using vac.


Is vac free? Or its going to be something really complicated? I will look into it when I get home.

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I use a modmic aswell.


Which version do you have? I would recommend version 4, which is the final product. I have version 3 myself and haven't heard any complaints.


If you haven't changed the microphone properites, max the output with +20dB boost.

Edited by Wyn
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