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Horrible Hg Members

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Most hg members are helpful and fun to play with but there are a few members that talk trash and verbally assault people. I found out the only reason they get away with it is that they are hg and they're friends with the admins or is an admin themselves. I know its hard to fix this but it is also sometimes affecting the game because admins will not do their job of making people follow the rules because they are showing favortism or hate. Literally the whole server saw cts interupting my lr and then they freekilled me in the end but the admin didnt do anything and everyone just laughed. There will always be toxic members and it is almost impossible to fix favortism, this is getting out of hand because i dont leave the server of hg having fun anymore. yes when there is no toxic hg members i stay for a while and have fun, but recently ive found out that ive left the server alot more and spending less time each time due to these people. i am not putting up any photos because i dont want to rat out the people because they could have been having a bad day that day(i wouldnt know) so i understand that but there are some that constantly do it. Another situation this happened was when i brought a friend to the server because he liked mods and was new to cs go, so i thought he would enjoy this mode which ended with him being berated, harrassed, insulted, and ect. He literally quit playing cs go and that is unwilling to pick it up again because of this and that should not be acceptable.

Edited by el nube
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Unfortunately, a lot of admins recently are new paid admins so this does affect how they feel they should respond to different actions in game. As PAID admins they aren't obligated to do anything with their admin, the could not do anything its up to them. However you should be able to get a hold of any of the admins that you like most of the time through admin chat, and ive told you steam chat me anytime to help get things resolved, sorry about that bro

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I feel like we should differentiate paid admins and HG free admins. I have also witnessed other admins not being the nicest to the players. Right away players see the Admin tag and associate all the admins or the HG members to be jerks/immature/or they don't take action. I just wish we could have some tag so players will get a better understanding who's here to help and who buys admin to instantly tlist who ever freekilled them.

- End Rant

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As said before there not really anything admins can do unless you get a demo of what's happening or screenshots of abuse and make a formal report when you've gathered enough evidence. And yeah there's dickheads on the server but the best thing is, is to ignore them or if there's a whole group of fuckwits which won't leave you alone, get I to TS and find an admin of the game you're playing.

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I feel like we should differentiate paid admins and HG free admins. I have also witnessed other admins not being the nicest to the players. Right away players see the Admin tag and associate all the admins or the HG members to be jerks/immature/or they don't take action. I just wish we could have some tag so players will get a better understanding who's here to help and who buys admin to instantly tlist who ever freekilled them.

- End Rant

[Paymin] [Freemin] [Trustmin] [Rootmin] Edited by UnPrePared_
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Since people are just repeating stuff now, i'm going to lock this thread. If you don't want to put up pics, don't make a thread complaining about admins we can't do anything without proof. If you do want to report these admins, feel free to make an abuse report, or PM a member of the CS:GO leadership all the proof you have.

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