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@@@ Command

Paul :)

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There used to be a command where you would do @@@ in all chat and it would appear on the screen in front of your face. This would be extremely helpful to be re enabled in Jailbreak. Sometimes I miss the chat and don't catch things, but if i'm a CT and I see DON'T BAIT in front of my face, the chances are I will listen more than if it's just in chat. Also if you're afraid of this being abused, give it to the free admins you guys now have. It will just make it a lot easier to get people to listen.

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  On 10/25/2014 at 11:29 PM, Burnt said:

/msay , /csay ?


/csay and @@@ are the same I believe.


And yeah it's enabled for trusted+ and it really isn't useful enough to be given to freemins. If they derp ct doesn't read chat too bad for him. If he would read the rules he wouldn't have to read the chat anyways because he wouldn't be baiting or spamming whatever.

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