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not enough info Admin Abuse On Jailbreak Server Cs Go


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Ok so im not going to say names publicly, cause i know how hurtful it can be to call someone out on their shit publicly.

I recently Got muted for 5 rounds for singing over music but it does not say in the hldj rules anything about singing over music.

also its clearly stated here the music was being played at an inappropriate time.


Only acceptable on:

  • Wardays
  • Fundays (such as zombie, 300, HnS, etc.)
  • Freedays
  • If instructed by lead
  • Last Request (Ts have priority)

When i called him out on it he said to "drop it". when i didn't he gagged me. then later he was saying stuff like im whining and im a crybaby. Which is blatent disrespect. Of course i didn't say anything cause I know its kinda like trash talk and i just brushed it off dealt with my FALSE "punishment". Then later when this "admin" ask what we wanted to do today. I said in an obviously Joking manner "F*CK Your FACE". he then took the time to stop giving orders just to kick me. In the kick message it said "i already warned you about the disrespect" which is most likely a lie if not i didn't see it or it did not go through, even though it was not disrespect it was smack talk like it says in your rules. I dont want this admin to stop being admin for i feel he has good intentions. I would just like him to know what the rules actually are and how to enforce them properly without doing a petty attacks on players.

Thanks hg,


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