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!zlist Moderation


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Not really a suggestion to upgrade the server or something, but a suggest for !zlist moderation. Could moderators at least query with someone as to why someone is requesting a !zlist against them please?


All it takes is some kid to type it and there is no chance to defend yourself because a mod/admin approves it without question (even when the vote comes up the majority of people I would presume just hit yes based on whatever the reason included is and not having actually seen anything to do with why someone is calling a !zlist, or just hit 1 to get the vote off their screen).


I got !zlisted earlier on zs_square or something (the one with the like 8 story apartment complex that people always cade on the top floor of).


Sounds trivial but basically, at the start of the game a grabbed a few tyres and a suitcase from outside, took each of them all the way to the top of the apartment to be used on the cade. The tyres got taken by other people to block up the windows (where fast zombies usually come in - I would have done the same so no issue that people used them) but some kid took the suitcase into a room where one of the backup cades was being prepped and nailed it to a bathtub, to save for whatever he wanted to use it for presumably.


I unnail it due to the fact that one of the windows in the corridor the main cade is on was not blocked up (bearing in mind this is the prop I spent like 40-50s gathering, so quite frankly his nail in it means bugger all to me and holding the main cade as long as possible is more important than helping a bathtub pack for a holiday anyway). Next thing I know he has called a !zlist on me for "unnailing props/cade" which gets a majority vote and approved. Not a question was even directed at me before approval, despite me trying to type the fact that it was my prop in the first place and what I was going to use it for.


I play semi-regularly when my PC doesn't crash (my gmod only ever appears to crash on your zs server but I still play there) and I have like 2k points stacked up in the shop, so it's not like a came on just to troll or something, but it would be appreciated if whomever approves a !zlist can at least take the time to question why it has been called up.


The way it is at the moment I could just pick a random name from the list of players, claim that they unnailed a cade or something and it would likely get approval...


Don't know if this is the right section of the forum for this but hey ho, just thought I'd bring it up.



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The zlist system is kinda rigged. It only takes 33% [i could be wrong] for the vote to be approved. New players usually end up pressing yes without even knowing the situation the person zlisting him is in. Here is my suggestion, increase the vote to about 50% for approval and only make it a humans only vote as zombies may sabotage the vote.


*Many people just end up !votezlisting someone instantly without warning and this creates an unfair chance for the person being zlisted to rectify his mistakes or explain himself.

*This system is usually being abused to be honest due to the fact that not many players understand what "zlist" means.

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The zlist system is kinda rigged. It only takes 33% [i could be wrong] for the vote to be approved. New players usually end up pressing yes without even knowing the situation the person zlisting him is in. Here is my suggestion, increase the vote to about 50% for approval and only make it a humans only vote as zombies may sabotage the vote.


*Many people just end up !votezlisting someone instantly without warning and this creates an unfair chance for the person being zlisted to rectify his mistakes or explain himself.

*This system is usually being abused to be honest due to the fact that not many players understand what "zlist" means.

As a cader, I agree with excluding zombies from the zlist voting, but I also find 50% a little risky for passing a zlist. It's beneficial to the human team if we can pass a zlist easily against a bad cader, provided that we provide a clear/concise reason as to why they are "zlisted". The problems lies within the fact that people DO NOT read motd rules. Also the fact they they refuse to read (or can they?) the reason(s). If players don't understand what a "zlist" is, then they can't really initiate a votezlist. Those that do either troll (rarely, actually) or do so 1) because they are legitimately decent caders who generally know where props go or 2) zlist because they THINK they know, but they don't. Situation 2 happens rarely.


What we need to let new players understand (possibly more detail in motd, taking out some ridiculous rules as well?) is that there is SUCH A THING as "prop-claiming" and removing someone else's nails is a complete no-no.

Edited by TheAtrocity
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After a few days of playing, I'm finding the votezlist function very frustrating. It's now nigh impossible to pass a votezlist. Contrary to popular belief, people don't by default press 1 all the time. Many don't understand what a proper "cade" is. Many simply don't know what's going on and either don't vote or press 2 (no). With this, we're wasting too much time trying to perform a successful votezlist (taking 3 or more votezlists to pass). maybe 27% was too low. But 40%/50% is wayy too high. This seriously needs to be changed.

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It's called claiming props for later use, so that way newbies don't mess with them and actually have a good use.


Appreciate that, and no worries if the guy had got the prop himself. But anyone can stick a nail in a prop, as far as I'm concerned his nail in it meant nothing as it was in a useless spot anyway.


If you believe someone is abusing the vote zlist system then gather proof and post a ban report. It is the easiest way for us to take a look at it.


That would essentially require videoing all of my gameplay just to capture the moments leading up to someone !zlisting me, as there is no way of knowing when a !zlist will come up, and when it does if you start recording at that point you will have already missed the actions leading to the !zlist (unless there is another way to capture it and I'm just being dense)


I agree. Zombies can not longer vote for a zlist and humans do not always take these votes serioulsy.

The approval should be reduced to 35/40%.


Could options 1. and 2. also be 'No vote'? ie.


1. No Vote

2. No Vote

3. Yes

4. No


The result of the vote then being calculated from options 3 and 4? People who don't even think about what they are voting or don't know what the vote is will then essentially have their contribution nullified and means they will actually have to think about a response.



And 35/40% seems fine - but my main point here really is that those who can approve a !zlist could at least clarify as to why it is being called.


Thanks for the responses so far :)

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That would essentially require videoing all of my gameplay just to capture the moments leading up to someone !zlisting me, as there is no way of knowing when a !zlist will come up, and when it does if you start recording at that point you will have already missed the actions leading to the !zlist (unless there is another way to capture it and I'm just being dense)



Could options 1. and 2. also be 'No vote'? ie.


1. No Vote

2. No Vote

3. Yes

4. No


The result of the vote then being calculated from options 3 and 4? People who don't even think about what they are voting or don't know what the vote is will then essentially have their contribution nullified and means they will actually have to think about a response.



And 35/40% seems fine - but my main point here really is that those who can approve a !zlist could at least clarify as to why it is being called.


Thanks for the responses so far :)


As far as recording you really don't have to, generally console logs are sufficient.


For the different voting options the most I would do is switch Yes and No around so No goes first. There is no reason to make it as convoluted as you described.


I will most likely switch the percentage back to 40% (the ratio it was at before)

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  • 4 weeks later...

i also think its VERY easy for regulars to understand the vote zlists. for those of us who play often, we can recognize the zlists and who the regular good caders are vs the shit caders. with the # of regulars on, this can usually thwart the bad/revenge zlists.

Edited by IMI4tth3w
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