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not enough info Johnmau Admin Abuse

OG Something

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Today, at an approximation of 8:50 EST, December 26th, Johnmau tlocked me for a order he was delaying on, after I had killed him. Johnmau was in lower VIP cell, and after a repeat was given (twice) I checked lower VIP to discover him and one other player there, where I shot and killed them. Shortly after, I was t-locked by him, and then gagged for three rounds, after he was harassing me.




Edited by RedDevil6193
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1 follow template http://hellsgamers.c...eport-template/

2 we dont accept steam links so use default forums uploader

3 when last post is your then try to edit that post and dont make new post

4 we will wait 24 hours for you to fix this, if not fixed this will be ignored.


5: didnt reply in time so closed.

Edited by RedDevil6193
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