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What's The Swipe Grip Style?


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I see steelseries talk a lot about the different types of grips that fit comfortably on their mice. They mention palm, claw and swipe. I've never heard of the swipe grip. Is it something like where you use 1 hand on the lmb and rmb and swipe in between them? (That's the only way I can see it, tell me if it's different please)

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Swipe grip is also known as the fingertip grip.


Many gamers claim that the fingertip grip provides the most precision and speed because there is no added deadweight from resting your palm on the mouse. This method is similar to the claw grip, but you only use your fingertips to manipulate the mouse and click the buttons. Since your palm does not touch the mouse at all, everything must be controlled with the fingers. While this does lead to more control and faster reactions, it is also the most fatiguing and will require even more practice. - See more at: http://www.digitalstormonline.com/unlocked/pc-gaming-101-mouse-grip-styles-idnum28/#sthash.Qi4eFLdu.dpuf

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