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reviewed Racially Profiled


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Hello, i was banned by a guy named duckk triad for having a Japanese name. I have been apart of jail break for the past two years. I have always followed the rules and make sure i don't get on anybody's bad side. I have also used a Japanese name for the past two years with no problems at all. It wasn't until today everyone on the server kept on telling me to change my name, they gave me no reason to change it, and then they banned me. I feel like i'm under extreme prejudice from this one admin. If i could have someone please help me i would greatly appreciate it.

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next time please use this format for abuse reports.

1. Abuser name:

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What server:

4. About what time:


6. Please tell us about the incident



I took the liberty to reach out to the admin who banned you. Its been handled. Thank you for the report.




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