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Opinion On Sens An Crosshair

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So I've been playing a lot more recently but I've been changing my res sensitivity an crosshair size. What's the best I don't awp like ever. On high I feel less precise on low I feel myself picking up my mouse to turn around 180 but more accurate. I can't seem to get comfy an feel right while playing. Always feel there is a reason im not doing ok. I'd like some opinions on sensitivity size of cross hair an resolution an why you feel that way. An I play with nova 4 up to dmg inside that bracket so I'm not awful that's not the answer.

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i personally feel like doing a 270 on my mousepad (qck+) is good enough for me, but i primarily awp and i know most of my friends who like rifles go a bit lower (i use 1.2/1000 dpi or 800 dpi depending on my mood). you should atleast do a 180 from left to right tho, more isnt needed just preference really

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Try getting something slow enough to pull off long-range, precise shots, yet fast enough to be able to win battles in close encounters.


The best advice that I can give is being able to make a full 180 with a comfortable swipe with your mousepad. You never need to do more than a 180 (unless you turn the wrong way, of course) and you will be able to do so, while retaining your accuracy in combat situations.


When you're trying out your new configuration, I'd use DM over an aim map personally, just since its not just memorization/etc., and rather having to react in realtime to a real situation. Don't change from what you find comfortable due to just a bad few games either, it happens.


As for your crosshair, this really comes down to nothing more than preference. If you can keep track of it, center and enemy, and hit shots with it, you can't really call it bad.


I use 1.5 ingame and 700 DPI, raw input no accel

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I've found that there is a differnent Sens needed between DM and Teamplay. WIth DM you'll want a higher sens (mine is .45/6500) and for regular team play I'm needing a lower (.20-.25/6500). Now granted most people do not use the full CPI/DPI of their mouse I have just gotten used to leaving it at the highest and going from there.


As others have said it is really what you are comfy with. For the longest time I was using a 800DPI mouse and couldn't use it below 15-20 sens in game. It really is personal preference though.


What are your windows mouse settings?


This can have an impact on in game as well. Another thing is if you have option always always turn off Mouse accel both in Windows and also In Game.




The link below is excellent for mouse settings for CS



Edited by Alten_Geist
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  • 3 weeks later...

think of it like writing with a pen; lower sensitivity your hand would be closer to the paper, able to make more precise marks... higher sensitivity would be like holding your hand higher on the pen and further from the paper, you'll have less precision, be a bit sloppier.

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