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Hello From Spain :d


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Hello, I'm not English so I will try to use correct grammar.


This is a request for / configurators of this clan.


In Spain, unfortunately, we only have a good configurator using either sourcemod pluglins, etc.


A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of contact with him, and I told him I had the idea to spice up the Spanish community within valve.


Everything was going great until I bought the machine.


The configurator disappeared, always says this busy and spend days, weeks pass, we had thought of riding 10 servers, and we only have one.


We are not a large community like yours, but we have great intentions.


The fact is we have paid for the machine, not the servers we thought we have, we have no support from anyone.


If we had known that no one in the Spanish community would help us we would not have started this.


We rented a dedicated server cpu + Soyyoustart from ovh, it costs € 48 per month.


I created this topic to find someone who can help us finish what we started.


Almost everyone has played in Ba jail HG server and our idea was to emulate the gameplay of your community as far surpasses the Spanish jails.


We are willing to pay the configurator to help us finish this alone can not.


I apologize for the long text and my lack of English grammar, hopefully answer.


Thank you very much, greetings from Spain

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I'm afraid it may not be within the time frame you would like :( we are actually mid restructuring of our community so it may be a bit before we can decide on this or not. Try privately messaging Homer on the forums and he may be able to give you a more direct and quicker response since he's the big head honcho.

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I'm afraid it may not be within the time frame you would like :( we are actually mid restructuring of our community so it may be a bit before we can decide on this or not. Try privately messaging Homer on the forums and he may be able to give you a more direct and quicker response since he's the big head honcho.


Okay, thanks for advice.


if this is a problem, i dont want to disturb you comunity so, ill send the msg today and wait for response.


Thank u Weeman, hope see u in other act.

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