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all The Fake Bible Of Jailbreak


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"Since the beginning of time, nitpickers, order nazis and people with no common sense have taken jailbreak way too seriously. Constantly fighting over rules, spreading lies and slanders, and even going so far as to make their own fake rules. " -Bonbon


So, I bestow upon you the newest addition of those fake rules players make up that don't actually exist: The Fake Bible of Jailbreak


In this Fake Bible of Jailbreak, you will find commonly made up, that are not in the MOTD, or the Holy Bible, due to me trying to keep it short. I will do our best to update this phony book, so feel free to post your made up rules you hear while playing jailbreak.


These rules are all made up and should NOT be followed.


Made up rule 1: T's always have priority in HLDJ even if a CT was playing first (excluding LR)


Made up rule 2: Lead cannot send CT's to knife T's because that's forcing last guard


Made up rule 3: CT's cant kill a red T during LR because it's their day


Made up rule 4: CT's must participate in custom LR and rebellers will be slayed


Made up rule 5: Being crouched and staying crouched doens't count as frozen even though your player isnt moving


Made up rule 6: You can't !fire at any time you feel like it and you must have a reason for it because it's abuse of fire


Made up rule 7: VIP doesn't have cell bars


Made up rule 8: CT's must release T's from trapped area, even if they arent being killed


Made up rule 9: If free shot the warden must let you go to infirm - 7z


Made up rule 10: You must repeat orders 10 billion times if a T asks for a repeat -7z


Made up Rule 11: the second archway to blue room is in fact the 1st archway. -alten


Made up Rule 12: When the Ts are in any archway of blue room, it makes blueroom a designated area. Therefor being in blueroom is baiting


Made up Rule 13: Remove jailbreak - karma


Made up Rule 15: Simon isn't Simon unless "Simon says I'm Simon" - Alten




Please feel free to contribute your own made up rules you've heard while playing jailbreak, these first few have been contributed by players of the community.

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Made up rule: Lead cannot make the terrorists crouchwalk longer than 40 seconds.

That is an actual rule, don't remember where it was written though.

been a while since i've used a crouch-walk order



or maybe it isn't and i fell for the trap. it should be though, cus that is dumb as hell



If you want something added PM @Zezima or @Icon315

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