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  On 2/24/2015 at 8:25 AM, UnPrePared_ said:

thats the spawn. stay tuned

I understand that's the spawn. However, the spawn is really basic gives no reason to be excited for this map at all. If the rest of the map of this map looks anything like the spawn, it's never going to be popular at all.

There are hundreds of basic minigame maps out there, and this spawn gives me the impression it's just like all the other maps that I can just go play right now. If the point of this post was to get people excited about the map, it should showcase something that took hours to create. Not a box that can be completed in like 30 minutes.

Edited by freshyams
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I went ahead and hid everything that doesn't add anything to the conversation (or isn't just someone's opinion on the map).

Please voice your opinions, don't be upset at others for voicing them (otherwise don't post). Don't start arguments with each other.


@Joey, I recommend starting a gallery of sorts (where you can put pictures just for viewing)

Looking forward to not being able to beat the map!

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  • 4 weeks later...

[update 3/28/15]


Due To Baseball if haven't been able to work on it much but for the next 2 or 3 days I should get the beta release out!


+Added Lots of Secrets!!!!!!!!!

+New Level (In working progress)


What to expect:

Hopefully by Friday or Saturday I should have 2 or 3 more levels done to complete the alpha. I will release a download of the map with the current secrets while I work on the bonus for the secrets all the codes and teleports for those secrets. Talking with people secrets will be a major part of the map and I am really excited.

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