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reviewed Unprepared


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1. Abuser name: Unprepared

2. Their Steam Id:# [HG] UnPrePared" STEAM_1:1:39024518

3. What server: CSGO HG JB

4. About what time: 5:05 PM EST

5. PROOF: https://www.mediafire.com/?awxk04s6q1teb5a

6. Please tell us about the incident: An order was given to unstack and freeze along the cell bars. Unprepared was in a cell with 2 others, was unstacked, and stood there for a second and then proceeded to use crouch. Due to him crouching during a freeze command I shot him with my AWP and he decided that I freekilled him despite the fact that he wasn't doing the order. After this happened I asked for him to slay himself the next round in exchange for having freeslayed me, he refused and here we are. I have nothing against this player other than the fact that they freeslayed me and then used the defense of "I was unstacking" as a reason for crouching on a freeze command.

Edited by Novx
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The guy on my left was stacking a bit I crouched and didn't want to go to far to the right and went back up.

All night long I'm getting killed because of CTs being a nazi.

The rule is don't kill for innocent twitches as we were inside our cells and I can't harm anyone in my cell.

I was just done getting killed in my cell all the time just because CT see me move a little bit to the right or left.

I only enforced a rule in the MOTD.

Edited by UnPrePared_
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I don't kill people that move a tiny bit with their camera or who slash their knife. You can see throughout that demo that I could have if I wanted to, I didn't. I killed you for crouching, hitting crouch isn't a small twitch in my eyes and I don't see how what I did was worthy of being slayed.

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I'm playing on 4:3 resolution (black bars)

So everything looks uhmm bigger ? weighter ?

Thats why I moved. I got killed and in my head I was like oh again getting killed in my cell for litteraly nothing.

Thats what I can explain.

If I read your response to it I guess I fucked up and should apologize for the slay.

So here it is : Sorry won't happen again, I will think twice next time.

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