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Why Are Some Of The Motd Rules Not Followed?


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I have realized that some rules in the zombie survival/HG MOTD are not being followed, nor enforced.

Here are just a few that seem to not be followed

(These are the ones that apply to both admins and players


1. No purposely killing players with props/doors/exploits in maps.

2. No exploiting maps for any reason!

3. Do not randomly votemap/votekick without legitimate reason. (this is usialy dealt with a kick by Web flashing, but he is not always there)

5. Do not excessively stand in the way of props / break props to prevent cading.

6. Do NOT purposely cade-break without a reason (i.e. remove someone's nails from props for no reason or shove props in front of users to block their aim).

7. Do NOT nail props down for no reason if you do not have any intention to build an actual barricade.

8. If someone is cading do not purposely take props from them or nail stuff down without asking them.

9. If you built a cade you cant claim the whole room/area yours.(i.e demanding players to pick their crates/turrets up to place your own.)

13. Do not claim every prop in the room.

14. Do not destroy or waste props(i.e claiming a prop to just destroy or building a useless barricade)

18. Do not barricade poorly (i.e building a barricade that cannot be shot through or hard to see through)

^THIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM WE NEED MORE BLACKLISTS, or just lower vote requirement for zlists, and possibly have this https://hellsgamers.com/topic/106510-cading-teir/ intergrated.

19.Do not go outside of any map or prop surf.

Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.(I'll admit I break this rule a lot, but no one enforces it, not even a little bit)

No sexual harassment of female players.(this should apply to all members if we plan to be a unisex community)

Feel free to criticize me on any of the ones listed above or if any others should be enforced more efficiently!

Edited by Bossdaddy22
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honestly the votezlist function has been the most useful tool for bad caders/shit caders until they changed the vote % to 60 which 60% of players don't even know how to press 1. So its now worthless and shit cades galore.


the problem when it was 40% is that 40% would always press 1 no matter what, so revenge zlists would be a bit more common. But some other updates to the votezlist have been added which would help counter that and allow better zlisting of shit caders while mods are away.

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I hope you know that we do enforce most of these rules, but they all must start with a warning....if it escalates or persists, further action may be needed. It's not like you need to be adhering to the rule all the time as it takes the fun away.


Mainly the rules are here so as to keep the peace and let everyone enjoy the game. Would a random votemap be annoying? it almost never passes. Just be more patient and tolerant. .


May I point out that some rules are a bit.....useless and you should know if the actions are detrimental to gameplay or not.


I try to help out the caders as much as I can because I know where they are coming from. However I can't be on all the time. Also, an ok cafe isn't a shit cade so just because you can build better doesn't technically mean it's shit.



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  • Executive Council

About votezlists, only humans can vote, not zombies. If it has 60% and half of the players are zombies it wont pass.


The system only calculates the ratio from the number of voters.



winnernum / t.voters < ratioNeeded


Or in human terms,

Number of yes votes divided by total number of votes compared to ratio needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The system only calculates the ratio from the number of voters.



winnernum / t.voters < ratioNeeded


Or in human terms,

Number of yes votes divided by total number of votes compared to ratio needed.


while this is true, votezlists usually never pass, which end up in votekicks with people shouting to vote 1, and then passing. So i think we should fix votezlist % or let the continued population loss (or at least high rotation with less regulars/players who eventually learn how to play well)


as someone who actually likes to cade, the shitcaders/trolls can be frustrating.

Edited by IMI4tth3w
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