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Unban Request: STEAM_0:0588612


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1. Your in-game name: Mr.Sprinkles

2. Server that you were banned on: 24/7 CrackHouse

3. The Banning admin: don't know

4. Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0588612

5. Reason for ban: 'someone called me a racist for making a remark about the President. i did not receive a warning.. but 2 or 3 people said BAN BAN like a couple of children. I'm 25yrs old, I'm not on this server screwing around, this is the only damn server i play on and i feel like i was banned for no real reason. Also one of your members HG-Fish invited me to the hellsgamers community serveral weeks ago, and i've been a member since.. so this is a case of an 'Admin' abusing his powers.

Edited by Moto
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You coming in here in the unban request section saying u were abused

If u think its abuse get some proof and post in the ABUSE section.

Secondly, dont say you were wrongfully banned when u know u made a joke about president, evedently our president is black.

Lastly dont come on to forums and start cussing; it wont help ur case.

Now wait for someone to review this




here you go


banned for week


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you say you play there alot yet dont know who have no rasicm ploicy?

and guess that guy was lucky




i knew the racism policy.. but i was indeed a little inebriated at the time.. i promise you i'm not racist.. it be sweet as hell if someone could be so kind and lift the ban before the weekend.. if not, thanks anyways.

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