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Ummm I Want To Be Healthy.


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To increase stamina/endurance for running, Do Interval Sprints. It's nice if you have a track to do it on, but you can do it without if you mark it out with your phone map. Basically you walk for 100 meters, then SPRINT for 100 meters, walk for 100 meters, sprint for 200 meters, walk 100 meters, sprint 300 meters. All the way up to either 400 meters or 800 meters. Then work your way back down by sprinting 300 meters, then walking 100 meters, then sprint 200 meters. I'm sure you get the picture. It's one of the many things we do to increase our run times in the military. Works pretty well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Food wise I can help you, to get healthier. Not to get like a bodybuilder body or whatnot but just to get healthier.

6 days a week, eat only healthy stuff. You can still eat steak you can still eat pork but just the lean cuts. No minced meat (so no sausages, hamburgers, ...)

Only eat food you prepared yourself or if you're still at home, your parents have made you. So for breakfast you eat oats for example, or some fresh bread with lean meat, instead of toaster strudels (although they're good as fuck). I do have to say though I don't think that american square toaster bread bs is healthy at all so maybe go for a homemade roll or for dark bread instead.

To spice your food up use actual spices instead of sauces, although ketchup is fine if you use it with moderation. Mayo is a complete nono though.

Get enough of fruit and veggie intake.

I try and eat a piece of fruit after every meal (so that's 3 pieces of fruit) and if I don't, I eat fruit as an inbetween snack or while watching tv/playing games. Grapes, strawberries, raspberries,.. or slices of fruit with a fork are ideal, they're quick snack food that are an easy replacement for chips or cookies or candy.

during lunch and dinner you need to get a good amount of veggies in. They're full of fiber aka really good for your body.

Last but not least make sure you finish at least one big bottle of water a day. If you want a coke with dinner that's fine but don't drink an entire bottle, drink one can and drink water other than that.

Also, just because fruit juice says "healthy" on the bottle doesn't mean it is. If you're gonna drink bottled juice to be "healthy" you might as wellkeep drinking coke. If you wanna get a healthy glass of juice in, make yourself one. Depending on my work schedule I either squeeze me 4 oranges and a grapefruit to go with my breakfast, or to go with my lunch.


If you've got any questions don't hesitate to hit me up.


Oh I forgot to add! Everything I do crave during the week, be it soda or cookies or fries or whatnot, I get myself but I put it aside in a cupboard for "cheat day." Depending on my schedule my cheat day is either saturday or sunday. I find it easier to keep eating healthy when I can only cheat one day a week, cause if I eat some fries today I'll be like "oh I can have me a soda too" "oh here's cookies" and I'll go overboard. But you can never eat enough nasty shit on 1 day to fuck your 6 days of "hard work" up. So there's my choice to do it once a week. I'll usually not bad stuff on purpose and not touch anything healthy that entire day but I can never finish as much as I had craved throughout the week so it's a win. All the things I've craved if I would had eaten that during the week I coulda finished it all, but it's just too much for a day.

At the end of that day get rid of all the open packs of chips/cookies,... throw out that pizza cause tomorrow you're back to eating healthy.


I did this for weight loss but if your weight is fine it doesn't make you lose weight at all. I lost over 50 pounds doing this though, a few years ago.


Also, if you're slow and easily out of breath. Go jogging. Start with a 1 minute run 1 minute walk, repeat for the rest of your jog. Skip one day, then on day 3 do a 2 minute run 2 minute walk cycle, repeat for the rest of your jog. Build up like that. If you feel like you can keep jogging your entire tour and it's not challenging, add a few extra blocks to keep it challenging, up the speed, etc, add weights on your ankles, etc. Keep pushing yourself. But don't do it every day cause you'll exhaust yourself. No matter how enthousiastic you are after day one, just wait a day and keep doing that, it'll keep you motivated better cause if you overdo it and your muscles are sore you'll lose motivation to go back afterwards.


Good luck!

Edited by Kimzy
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

This helped me a lot and I hope itll help you but what everybody else was saying about water it true. Its good for your skin and your digestive system. Water also is a good habbit to get into cause once you get used to the taste it grows on you ( well it did for me )

GL and im with you on trying to get healthy!

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  • 10 months later...

Like Bismarck said definitely keep yourself hydrated. If cardio is your problem perhaps you could start going on walks for a while, then start going on runs or jogs. That'll get your heart pumping and ultimately improve your cardio which should make you tire less easily.

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  • 6 months later...

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