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New Virtual Reality Gadget

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Hi everyone,


My name is Lisa and I am a creative director at FEELREAL, Inc.


We are big enthusiasts of virtual reality and gaming. Unfortunately the existing VR gadgets give us a limited immersion and that’s what prompted us to create the mask that is added to Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, Zeiss, Razer OSVR and let you feel the smells in the virtual worlds of your favorite games. But that’s not all!


We created a VR helmet that involvles all 5 of your senses. If you want to know how it works, better go and check here: http://kck.st/1DHay8D


That’s our Kickstarter campaign, which weХve launched some days ago. Would be great to get your feedback! Thanks a lot.



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Not the first Virtual Reality Helmet I've seen on Kickstarter/GoFundMe and these sorts of sites.

Creating these products will have very high Technology and will even require stuff that are not invented yet, this is also why big companies like Samsung are not able to create this helmet yet cause of many restrictions and making glasses instead.


Although I am curious how you are going to be able to make this Virtual Helmet and if it will be finished at all.

Good luck with this lengthy project. :D

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