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Build For Cs:go

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Made a build for you guys that can easily handle CS:GO 1080p on high settings :)

High settings with AA disabled gets you a stable 120+ FPS.




Didn't include any peripherals or OS because that's just personal perference.


Also you can play other games as well like minecraft & other source games :)


You can also spend less on the case and buy this video card:


Edited by UnPrePared_
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What about for those on a smaller budget? Something like this would easily run CS:GO and some other games on top of that:


Games are beginning to struggle running on only two threads, it's worth going for an i3 or an i5. This build is perfect to run cs:go no problems on, or any source game, though.

Edited by freshyams
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Games are beginning to struggle running on only two threads, it's worth going for an i3 or an i5. This build is perfect to run cs:go no problems on, or any source game, though.


This isn't necessarily for hardcore builds and its more of a cheaper alternative. Alternatively to that, you could go full AMD like I am, 1gb gpu and be able to run CS:GO fine at 100fps~ and be able to multitask no problem but again, it depends what the person themselves want to do =P

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