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STEAM_0:1:10929330 ("lolwut")


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Hi. I was playing on the D2DM server about 10 minutes ago under the name "lolwut" when I was randomly banned by xtc.gaming » Ã’š-12 for 120 minutes. I say randomly because I received no warning prior to this ban and therefore I have no idea why I was banned. I wasn't mic spamming; hell, I hadn't even talked on my mic once since joining the server. I wasn't hacking--just awping like I usually do (I frequent this server multiple times a week). He was on the opposite team as me--not in spectator. So I have no idea what the reason could be.


Anyways, It says I'm banned for 120 minutes so I guess this post is meaningless. I'm just curious as to why I was banned. :confused:


Oh, and my steam ID is STEAM_0:1:10929330. It'd be nice to be unbanned early, but I guess I'll wait out the 2 hours If need be.

Edited by Stoosh
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It ashamed how just anyone can buy admin.


Donate about 400 a month and we wouldn't have to sell admin. This brings us a lot of money plus it give us the ability to have the server watch for people who will crash/hack/be a dick to the players there.


PS. He got admin for free so he doesn't even pay.


Also i will talk to him if there is no ban report

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He could be making a ban report right now. If he wasn't you'll be happy because his admin might get taken away. It ashamed how just anyone can buy admin.


Yeah it would be nice if servers just grew on trees, and you just had to water them. I think renting admin is a great way to get population as well as the number of servers this cluster has.


Its not hard to remove admin, and still keep the money. Only takes a few complaints, and that is why this board is here.

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Why would you say 100% hacking?


all he is doign is spawn camping, explain yourself soldier


I dont even think you watched the demo

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I saw it too. 110% hacking. He was flying around throwing level 5 fireballs at everyone.



seriously though whats hes doing I dont see it. he missed a lot. about average awping.

Edited by piscian
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