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Phase Jumping & Ability To Break Props (Human)


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Phase Jumping


Phase jumping allows a human to get into cades quickly, avoiding attacks from zombie campers who are camping outside the cade.


Phase jumping has been a “skill†learnt and done by many players for years. It is essential for good players who are always outside barricades on wave 1 and 2 trying to defend caders by spawn camping zombies, buying time for caders to cade.


An example of this would be on Neighborhood, wave 2 a shade destroys a bunch of humans outside and you’re one the few survivors. Do you just run in the mansion making an attempt to crouch through a cade and pray your fellow “teammates†inside the cade would protect you? Hell No. OR or do you try and make a smart play by kiting zombies around, baiting them away from the cade then phase jumping through.


Hopefully, you get my point why phase jumping is essential in zombie survival and has always been for years. I’m sure there would be a lot of hate and arguments on the server with the removal of phase jumping, so why not just create a thread and let people voice out their opinions.


If you claim that phase jumping is too “overpoweredâ€, you’re wrong, even if you do know how to phase jump through a cade, there’s still a chance you might die to zombies outside the cade. It’s not that hard to prevent people from doing this, if zombies actually think through what they’re doing, a great way to block any humans from phase jumping into a cade would be just blocking their path as a wraith, easy.


Ability to break props (Human)


I can see why it has been removed to prevent any trolls from breaking props.

However picture this, you’re in a V cade with great reinforcements of doors on highschool. The only way for zombies to break the barricade is by entering through the front which would be super easy for humans to just gun them down. But, what if the zombies actually think through what they do…


You can literally just push a vending machine in front of the cade and camp as poison headcrabs behind it. Nothing is stopping you, humans can't break the vending machine neither can they see with all the spitballs coming from poison headcrabs which are immune to damage behind the vending machine. This would be an easy win for zombies if coordinated well. It would also work on any other cades now to think of it.


Downside is obviously trolls breaking props but there’s usually staff members and the votezlist system exists for a reason.



I’m not here to try and call out Forrest on anything, he’s been doing a great job trying to improve the server but I don’t see a reason for either of this 2 points I listed.


P.S for any grammar mistakes or w/e, it’s super late for me.

Edited by Harle
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I just don't see a reason why it should be removed.


No one complains about it neither is it even a 100% chance of success.


It just differentiates between good and bad players, both humans and zombies.


I refer you to my previous statement, it has been a bug with the gamemode that has since been corrected. We already have a system in place for differentiating between the good and bad players, its called the humans winning.

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Even if it is a bug it is not game breaking and nobody complains about it. And if it got removed it woul pretty much remove the ability to go outside because of Zombies camping around the corner. If people risk going out when they have Phase jump theres a good chance they will die anyway so its not unfair. And how much fun is i sitting in a cade the whole game?

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Humans already have enough to be OP, it's like adding more powers to superman. Humans need to be responsible for getting into the cade when zombies are on the prowl or about to break through it. Humans already have enough weapons to begin with anyway. Like we need another annoyance to make me not want to play as zombie by having to play wack a mole with humans popping in and out of cades.

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Like many I us his as for me its the best way to out-smart but why remove it their is no point, its not going to make zombies kill u all when we get back, well in my morning their is mainly no back cade so why is this not her no more, its only going to make humans go back quicker then b4 and therefore zombies will have a advantage as humans will have to come back quicker and so more lifes will be lost as a result PLEASE BRING IT BACK PLS.

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Like many I us his as for me its the best way to out-smart but why remove it their is no point, its not going to make zombies kill u all when we get back, well in my morning their is mainly no back cade so why is this not her no more, its only going to make humans go back quicker then b4 and therefore zombies will have a advantage as humans will have to come back quicker and so more lifes will be lost as a result PLEASE BRING IT BACK PLS.


also if humans have the ability to phasejump, they would risk going outside which gives zombies a chance to get more kills, now most likely humans won't risk it



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I refer you to my previous statement, it has been a bug with the gamemode that has since been corrected. We already have a system in place for differentiating between the good and bad players, its called the humans winning.


I don't know who you think you're fooling, but you can take 15 good players at any given moment of the day, pit them against 60 very horrible, new, unfamiliar players as zombies and guess who wins????????????


Fact of the matter, bad players vastly outnumber the good players. That's not factoring in good players who for 1 reason or another (hating the map, etc) volunteer as zombie or become one.


Suitzoom jumping (aka phase jumping) may have been a mistake on the zs code's part, but considering how HG_style ZS is conducted, it is in no way an obvious human advantage like bhopping was. Phase jumping allows (to reiterate) humans to get in and out of caders in a quicker manner. This is mainly for the defenders to protect the caders and the cade(s) from zombies while they are in the process of cading. Once the initial waves are over, phase jumping becomes obsolete, as there are zombies camping the cade. The knockback combined with the reaction time does not allow one to simply suitzoom back in. What you will see, in disabling "fixing" this bug will just make humans fall back the the back cades prematurely and thus leading to zombie victory more times because the cades are not finished or people just aren't ready.


Your argument, which is that humans who are chased by zombies escape death easily but jumping in cades quickly is also obsolete.

Remember this?

It either happens with such rarity that it becomes statistically insignificant in the big picture or doesn't happen at all.


Yeah. That's right.


You see, you're never on ZS to even bother noting player behavior. Suitzoom jumping only happens rarely, and when it does, is usually to get outside asap to score a few points. Most of the time, people will kill the surrounding zombies before jumping back inside. People use this bug to save time, rarely to escape from the zombies.

I'm not trying to insult you or anything, believe me. But we need someone with an open head to think about these issues. Many people are on zs and give suggestions, some dumb, some have merit. Please take those into serious consideration instead of tossing ZS aside.


We need suitzoom jump back, or this won't end well for everyone.

Edited by Edgy
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So let me get this straight:


People are upset that a bug that was meant to be fixed a long time ago before we had a dedicated person working on the server got fixed

These people are the ones that spent time building a skill set around an exploit in a game mechanic

Instead of us adding ways to make it better for looting and scavenging in a normal way we should instead, keep said bug in the game

Instead of thinking of suggestions to now balance the game out instead of bringing back a bug we will now shitpost ala


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Ok, so lets go ahead and revisit the a week from now and see how things turn out. We appreciate the feedback but this isn't constructive, so take the week, think of why people were using phase jumping, and come back with a solution that doesn't involve exploiting a bug in the gamemode.

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