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Remove Sell Button In The Arsenal Crate (Pointshop)

Awesome dude

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I have 3 reason that why I want remove the arsenal sale buttons.


1. Problem for grims party etc... most people will be sell it.

2. Someone will took free shit weapons then sell it like Webflash said it about obj map.

3. Most population took the weapons when players is dead.


in some a obj have lots shit free the weapons like sweeper, boomsticks and etc...... that will be happen when they will sell it like fucking a pointwhores.

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Or we just disable it on objective maps? Seems to be the cause of the problem. Alternatively we could also change the amount of points that get returned when you sell a weapon.

I think just objective is sufficient for now, and we can test it to see if the problem persists?

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Or we just disable it on objective maps? Seems to be the cause of the problem. Alternatively we could also change the amount of points that get returned when you sell a weapon.


reduce points stay the same, there will always profiteer the only problem is the map objective

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+1 for removing selling weapons on obj (although this is saying good bye to a decent amount of points i make from selling the free weapons on the map *cough cough* enervation *cough cough*)


no one does drop parties anymore due to everyone just selling the guns rather than use them. only parties i ever do are with jihads since you can't sell them.

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Honestly all profit from people using your Arsenal and Resupply should be removed. It has literally become a mechanic people are abusing by getting 2 of them for free from the worth menu, placing it ontop of the main cade then going afk.


The server has a song that plays when a new map is loaded and the music is audible when the game is alt tabbed. So every time a new map loads, you hear the intro music, alt tab into the game, rush to the crate spot, place both down and go afk. By the end of the game, someone who wasn't even playing makes the most profit.

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Honestly all profit from people using your Arsenal and Resupply should be removed. It has literally become a mechanic people are abusing by getting 2 of them for free from the worth menu, placing it ontop of the main cade then going afk.


The server has a song that plays when a new map is loaded and the music is audible when the game is alt tabbed. So every time a new map loads, you hear the intro music, alt tab into the game, rush to the crate spot, place both down and go afk. By the end of the game, someone who wasn't even playing makes the most profit.


I made a post and PM'd the dL and I'll fucking do it again. This is a PROBLEM. Thank you for FINALLY noticing.


Here was the original post. My 2 posts (#1 & #8) should explain the idea well enough.



For even more in depth information, since the topic was locked, I went ahead and posted a public google drive doc fully explaining everything that the first 2 posts above did not. I've even included ALL the refutes that have been given to me thus far.



Maybe the dL won't ignore this anymore, maybe not. But with more and more people recognizing that this is a MAJOR problem, something useful might get done.

Edited by TheAtrocity
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Atrocity actually made a point about this a while ago, and even has gone to make a document on it. His idea is to decrease the commission from 7% down to 3%. I find that to be a great idea. Your solution is almost as great as well, but I only find a small problem with it. If it does not give you any points at all, almost no one will buy an arsenal or resupply because it's not worth it. Though the few of us who actually care about the team buy them off the worth menu despite this, what if we're not on at the time. The few team players and regulars might not be on and no one will have an arsenal for the cade because everyone else aren't team players. This would leave the human team fucked because they can't purchase anything. There should just be a VERY small incentive so people are still slightly encouraged to buy them. Also, if it doesn't give them enough points, they would have the crates but still help the team by buying a gun of their own because the crates aren't sufficient enough for them anymore.


Good, people should stop spamming arsenal crates with pure intention of making it their primary source of income, that is not a teamplay, it is selfishness. It blocks the cades, and instead of spending their worth menu points on a weapon to defend with or a medical kit/hammer they buy the 4th or 5th arsenal crate for the final cade. People should be buying the arsenal crate out of necessity because they will fucking die if they don't buy one, not because it will be easy profit for them.


Unfortunately other teamplay mechanics that are critical for the humans to survive are not rewarded at all. Healing other players is not profitable, you will loose points if you purchase medical supplies. Spending 20 minutes to build a barricade yields no points and often costs the cader points because of the need to purchase more nails.


And like I said in another post, completely remove the resupply from the worth menu. It is almost 3x the size of an arsenal, they can be placed much closer together, and not having one will not mean the humans will loose. Purchasing a resupply should only be done from an arsenal crate.


Hopefully we can put an end to the worth menu doubling down of a free arsenal and a free resupply.

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I'd like to add to the above post that LITERALLY everyone who said "No" to these presented ideas OR offered "vague" answers which IMPLY that they would not want to see a commission decrease are the people who 1) Cratewhore or 2) Cratewhore a LOT


Excluding the dL but that's 1 exception.

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