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Player Point Griefing?

Dr. Hfuhruhurr

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I logged on to Iceworld tonight, and heard "Humiliation" over and over....kind of like the old Wreckless days, but much more frequently. I didn't pay attention to it, and started playing. I was killed several times by "Chicken of the Sea" and "Frankie 4 Fingers COME SHORT HO." I was trying to figure out why I was losing 25 points every time they killed me, and only gaining 2 or 3 when I killed them.


When I paid more attention to the suicide call outs, I noticed that the two that were doing it were these two players. I'm slow, but it finally clicked. They suicided themselves to the last two active player rankings on the server so they could suck as many points from the higher ranking players as possible. In about 15 minutes, between the two of them, I managed to lose 643 points and about 70 positions from around 10 to 81. It looks like their plan works, but it really strips the fun for "serious" players.


I know, I know..."Well, don't get killed by them." "It's just a game." Etc., etc. It's still a form of griefing that impinges on other players' enjoyment.


Attached, please find a demo showing how frequently they were suiciding...which is annoying as hell in itself, having to listen to that .mp3 over and over.




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It is against the rules, post it on hgbans and they'll be banned and their points should be reset.


I've seen players do this on CS: Crackhouse DM. I also see Frankie doing this command alot: !points


question: do the points ranking stay intact between servers? in other words, if he siphons points on iceworld, does it help his ranking on Crackhouse?

Edited by KiLLeR SeNSaTioNâ„¢
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I tried talking to him tonight (Frankie). He is under the impression...or so he says...that by staying at the lowest rank, he doesn't take points from other players. I couldn't get him to understand that it is a weighted point system and the lower ranking you have, the more points you take from others. He insisted he was taking zero from everyone (even though I verified by speccing another player and watching that player's session points drop by 24 every time Frankie killed him), and continues to suicide every time his session score nears a positive number.


However, he isn't using it to inflate his own score or increase his rank, because he continues to maintain his 4,037 ranking and isn't making a hard charge for a higher ranking. The only people it is hurting are the ones he kills. I would like to think he honestly believes what he is saying, but I look at his server profile and I see he also has used the name "It's just points, don't be mad!!"


I'm lost. I don't want to be the heavy and ban him if there is a genuine misunderstanding, but I don't want him scaring off regulars who don't want to lose a gob of ranks to him, because when he plays seriously he is very good. I know, even though I'm not a hardcore point whore, I sit in spec when he's on the server. :/

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