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Giveaway/little Riddle

Comic King

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Alright, from the title of the topic you can guess what this is about. You were right, it's a giveaway, although not as big.

There's a catch.

I'll write a small riddle below, it's not hard at all, however, your solution must be well defined. You have to explain your answer in a short sentence, because that's all you really need.

You guys have 5 days, until December 24th, to solve it, you can post here only once. If I see that you've edited your post, I will automatically disqualify you, because I can never be sure whether you edited the post to the right answer or not.

Who can participate?

-hg- and above.

What is the prize?

In case more of you post the right answer to the riddle until December 24th, I will be using random.org to select the winner. If only one gets it right, that one lucky guy/girl gets the prize! :)

The prize is a small game called Enemy Mind. Nothing really special but at least it is something to motivate you.


Here comes the riddle:


I have a fishtank filled with water. I have ten fish in it. Three fish drown. How many fish do I have now?


Rules summed up:

Post only once

Do not edit your post, be sure to post what you really think

Be a recruit or above


Good luck and good solving! :D

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Well, you would still have 10 fish if you do not net out the dead ones. In response to the people saying fish cannot drown: The act of drowning is defined as being fully submersed in water, not being able to breathe. Fish do in fact breathe, just not in the sense we do, so technically speaking, they can drown. Fish breathe by pushing water through their gills and absorbing the oxygen in the water, if there is little to no oxygen in the water a fish can technically drown. Lack of oxygen in the water can be due to the water temperature, since the warmer the water, the less oxygen there will be. Lack of oxygen can also occur from no water movement, or poor water quality.

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Thank you everyone that took part in this.

Many of my friends that were asked the same question, failed to give the right answer.

The correct and the shortest answer is: Fish can't drown.


More of you got it correctly, so I will be doing a random.org thingy. Everyone that got it right will get a ticket here. Each ticket is a number used in random org.

Here it is:

Toast 1

Fortis 2

Paul 3

Zoomcheesewizard 4

Kingslayer 5

XxWonderBredxX 6


To the guys saying that fish can drown, as Toast said, that term can't be used for fish. Fish can do something like suffocating, not drowning.

Basically, your answer could've been as long as you'd like, but all you had to do was mention at least once that they can't drown.


The winner will be pmed with the key for the game.


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