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Bandolier Trait


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Why the hell does this trait only effect ammo from arsenal crates and not resupply crates. If it effected both or preferably only the ammo from resupply boxes I think it would be a great trait. If it worked with arsenals it would synergies great with banned for life.

If you don't want to change this perk maybe add another that reduces the time for resupply to refill by 50%.

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Right banned for life with bandolier+resupply = useless worth weapons at wave 4 (and pointwhoring) and basically being useless as fuck. Nice. Really good, Thanks for being an awesome team helper.


No lol. People whine too much with points, even though there's SO many opportunities to get points. People focus way too much on crying out for more points for doing next to nothing work. If they stopped and actually put their head to decent use, they'd be getting at least 200 or so every map. Please keep the greed in check.


The 50% resupply reduction trait seems cool, though, if it is intro'd as a new perk.

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The last section was all I needed to know. In my opinion Kleiners and other useless fucks are essential to zombie survival because they accentuate the good players and are usually the mindless zombies that you mow down. Kleiners surviving to wave 4 is an asset especially with the added after match win bonus, at least if you use them correctly to move out of the cade after a round ends to attract the straggling zombies so that useful people don't have to die.

However any firepower at all in the later waves is helpful so I'd rather have Kleiners with worth weapons and ammo rather than Kleiners hiding in the cade without ammo.

Edited by Nibblewerfer
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The last section was all I needed to know. In my opinion Kleiners and other useless fucks are essential to zombie survival because they accentuate the good players and are usually the mindless zombies that you mow down. Kleiners surviving to wave 4 is an asset especially with the added after match win bonus, at least if you use them correctly to move out of the cade after a round ends to attract the straggling zombies so that useful people don't have to die.

However any firepower at all in the later waves is helpful so I'd rather have Kleiners with worth weapons and ammo rather than Kleiners hiding in the cade without ammo.

Good players dont go outside and die. Kleiners go outside and die because fail hard trolls tell them to. There's literally nothing here that is relevant to good players dying. At all.


Instead of focusing on kleiners and their behavior to disguise what we ALL know you want to see (pointwhoring by being a useless fuck), maybe you could check in that greed (as clearly stated before if I read correctly) and get the kleiners to actually get better.


No, worth weapons are literally worthless. By the end of wave 3, the introduction of high tier weapons like the Impaler, persuader, simply makes the worth weapons obsolete. By the end of wave 4, worth weapons are dealing the 20 damage to kill a zombie that got lucky enough to miss a bullet from a grim. As points are awarded by damage to health ratio, 20 ain't jack shit BOI so you're not helping yourself OR your team out at all. You're getting 1 hundred from being a literal useless fuckhead. And 50 of those were from not receiving damage.


Buy a gun, learn to shoot (and aim), bathe in profits raging from 200 to 1200. Zombines are rewards enough in points when you reach wave 6. They hold so many points that it is very hard NOT to yield yourself a profit. You're eating opportunities buddy. I suggest you get right on it asap.

Edited by TheAtrocity
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Ok how bout this, I would rather have people have fun then aggressively attempt to profit. I get that you were abused by Kleiners as a kid or something and that's why you hate them so much, but I would rather see a kleiner enjoy playing on the server and stay on after they become zombie rather than one leave forever because of shitty behavior and elitism on your part.

Remember that now especially everyone can afford fucking grim party's with the points they get from winning low percentage maps. Besides you won't find me using worth weapons most of the time given how pants shittingly overpowered the bandolier is currently as I never bring worth weapons.

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Pretty sure you're a kleiner, since you have no idea what ZS is.


On any server except ours, grims and other high tier weaponry are for the top of the top, those who've outperformed their teammates in all situations.


To give everyone such a massive handicap so as to let even a new player with no skill be able to do parties is ridiculous. Zombies quit, and nobody has fun.


All I see you doing is catering to the bad players such as yourself so you all can get points so much easier.


As I've stated before, Zombines should be more than sufficient to give profit to everyone, so quit wasting the opportunities.


There's no elitism, only a learning curve that none of you bother to actually learn and instead whine for easy points to make yourselves feel a bit better. At the end of the day, everyone benefits but in the long fucking run, server dies.


Please keep the greed in check.

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I know you play the game since I've seen you there but my question is how you've missed the proliferation of higher powered weapons because of the points for winning.

I will attempt not to make personal attacks but I would like to remind you that this is a video game that is played for fun by human beings.

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How on earth is the proliferation of top tier weapons a good thing? Again it is a game and it is supposed to be fun for both sides.


Giving bad players the ability to earn points for next to nothing effort to mow down zombies is ridiculous.


Have you tried being zombie these days or do you just afk or spectate? Pretty boring huh?

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How the fuck did you get the exact opposite of all of my opinions and then state them in one sentence. I was saying that lots of high tier weapons because if the ridiculous points after win is a bad thing also you are just saying what I did when I said people should play the game to have fun.

Whatever next time we are on the server together let's talk.

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How the fuck did you get the exact opposite of all of my opinions and then state them in one sentence. I was saying that lots of high tier weapons because if the ridiculous points after win is a bad thing also you are just saying what I did when I said people should play the game to have fun.

Whatever next time we are on the server together let's talk.

It took me several minutes to understand what you were trying to say here l0l.


Your argument of defending human players buying top tier weaponry to have fun is just shit, because

being a zombie when there are 20 grims is dirt boring. When you make suggestions or think of ideas for humans, you need to think about how it will affect the other team; because they aren't computer AI. They're real players just like you who want to have fun on THEIR side as well.


In none of your posts here have you mentioned anything about getting many points at the end of the map as a bad thing. You stated it as: humans get many points for winning -> proliferation of high powered weapons -> humans have fun. I don't see jack shit about zombies having fun getting mowed down in 0.2 seconds after reentry from le spawn. To make things clear, too many people have too many points to buy top tier weaponry, so proliferation of those weapons is a bad thing.


(we've come back to the same argument again)


People play the game to have fun. Not to spectate/afk/leave after turning zombie. Your twisted sense of fun seems like: humans should all get +1000 every game for doing virtually nothing and laughing at zombies.



Edited by TheAtrocity
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Sorry about not being clear, we seem to have the same opinion on this. Fuck miscommunication, I haven't seen you on recently by the way and have been seeking you out on the server cause that's an easier way to communicate. To reiterate I want there to be a trait to lower the resupply crate cool down. I want people to focus on fun rather than points, and if being balls out dumb is fun do that.

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