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not abuse (Cs:go) Abuse Report (Deathshot)

The Fourth Hokage

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Abuse Report

Abuser Name


Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?


How long ago did this take place?

10 minutes

Give us a brief description of the incident.

i listened to the lead and killed a well known player called jack and he didnt listen to rules so then i told him im sorry and how he didnt listen so then he told DeathShot a admin and all the players are calling me freekiller and telling me to freekill them in chat so then Deathshot Gagged me and gave everyone and warning while callling me a freekiller so them i ignored it, later An order was said "AFK FREEZE" then i didnt want to kill everyone becuase they all didnt listen and id get T-Locked then ! Prisoner jumped and i killed him repeating the rule then Jack Shouting in the Microphone "Freekiller There is your proof admin T-lock him" im then telling them what happened then i was moved and then mocked and called The Freekiller and then Deathshot at this point didnt tell them to stop, He let them continue and im not going to that server ever again, even though i went there for 6 months im going to continue playing your servers just not that one Because im now the "FreeKiller". Please help me im just trying to have fun then im put down and im already one with a terrible life this is where i have fun and its been taken away. Please and Thank You for listening have a nice day

Proof Links?

I dont have but one admin is gonna say i was freekilling so ask someone named "Jack" and DeathShot

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