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not abuse (Cs:go) Abuse Report (Spray Tan)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name


Spray Tan

Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID



Where did this occur?



What server?



How long ago did this take place?


15 Minutes Ago

Give us a brief description of the incident.


I was slayed. I was never told why by the admin but I think it was becuase of me killing the T who ran for the gun (I missed my first 15 shots becuase I am sliver).


I asked in admin chat several times, no one took ownership or told me what I did wrong.


I asked Blue how I should go about this and he told me to make a report and just leave out the name. If you (leadership) could find out who did that and make include them in the report that would be great. Thanks.

Proof Links?



Just watch last round.
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In this scenario, it's not really admin abuse. The T was obeying orders and not red at the time you shot him, and it was likely that no one else could have been able to tell he was delaying several seconds ago. If you had killed him right away, then it would have probably been fine. However, the delay is too great for me to justify killing him at that point.


It's a bit a of a judgment call when you stop attempting to kill a player who was disobeying an order but no longer has a reason to be shot due to being a non-rebel and obeying the current order, but that's my impression of the demo.


My recommendation is to deathmatch more so that there isn't any ambiguity like this in the future (or rather to just leave the T be if he doesn't have a reason at the present time to be shot a couple seconds or so after not listening to an order). Otherwise, it can come across as nitpicking.


Not abuse.

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