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reviewed (Cs:go) Abuse Report (Fishdog)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name


Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?


How long ago did this take place?

Within the past day

Give us a brief description of the incident.

Fishdog appears to have lost control of his life and decided to admin irresponsibly.

Proof Links?

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woah woah woah. this should not be a permanent ban. I did not want my admin anymore and I forgot my username and password to the forums. I never abused my powers, their was hella mfs disrespecting me because I have cancer so all I did was tlist them because they did freekill and were constantly talking over lead and disrespecting me. I was playing this server when it was dead and invited hella of my friends. I was one of the people who repopulated this server and I spent a lot of money donating to you guys and just because I have cancer doesn't mean you can perma ban me. I honestly wanna play on the server with my buddies cause its the only server that is still fun but a perma ban is just way to excesive.

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The server ban is in place until this is resolved.


If you didn't want your admin powers any longer and you no longer remembered your login information, you could have handled the situation much more responsibly. You could have a) recovered your information and canceled your admin, B) asked leadership to help you with either recovering the information or canceling your admin, or c) not run your mouth like an edgy adolescent.


Your admin actions were undone by Thomas on the bans that were created, as they had no merit. There was clear spiteful intent.


I'm sorry if you have cancer, but no disease in the dictionary entitles you to behave poorly on our server while abusing admin.


Here are some top hits from your chat logs:


is that you james you fat piece of 9 year old fuck
ya suck my balls
just take [my admin] away
james stfu, suck my cock


Would you like to explain?

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ya I was saying that to this kid cause he kept talking shit and constantly changed his name to fishdog sucks big black cock. and Thomas didn't do shit about it. man are you fuicking kidding me. I get in trouble for this shit and that kid doesn't. what fuck kind of bullshit is this.


and that isn't adsmin abuse at all

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1. The user you described is this guy - http://hellsgamers.g...yerinfo/7237938 , not http://hellsgamers.g...yerinfo/5932872 . You t-listed James for no reason and banned him without following admin protocol.


2. You're in trouble because you clearly mismanaged your powers as an admin on our server. You don't t-list or ban just because. If you wanted your admin to be removed, do it the appropriate way.


3. You dish out more banter than everyone else in the server combined, telling them to suck your dick and spamming how you have cancer. It's laughable you would use admin on someone who barely said anything nasty to you in return.


4. I would have banned you through admin protocol if I were on the server at the same time as you.


If you want your admin revoked, I can do that. If you want to stay playing on our servers, you will behave yourself.


Do you understand that?

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