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not abuse (Tf2) Abuse Report (Themanofscience)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name


Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?

HeLLsGamers.com | TF2 Trade #4 Minecraft World | FastDL

How long ago did this take place?

59 minuites ago

Give us a brief description of the incident.

I believe he misused his VIP privelages on this server. He killed me many times from farther distance that a melee kill should kill me.I shoot him once(i was spy,he was demo) he lost half of his health instead of nearly all. Later, I shoot him from middle of the map, go invivible, he knows where i am,finds me, shoots/blew up stickies even when I moved away and even turned other directions, he new exactly where i was even when i was invisible.

Proof Links?

[VIP] TheManOfScience : I own you scrub. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

SPOOK-e-Ness : how

SPOOK-e-Ness : WHY

HG Stats: TheManOfScience (2,618) got 2 points [-2] for killing SPOOK-e-Ness (368)

Котюнок воин : ~vip

SPOOK-e-Ness : now thats just wrong man

(Voice) zabzab191: Help!

SPOOK-e-Ness : alright then see ya cheater


(I put the
at the end because i wated to report him for this )

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