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reviewed (Cs:go) Abuse Report (Adam Kovic)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name


Adam Kovic

Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID



Where did this occur?



What server?



How long ago did this take place?


2 minutes

Give us a brief description of the incident.


I was accused of freekilling in the first round of the demo, was not a freekill, this person was clearly not standing in the right position and not about to change.


In the second round I nearly freeshot/freekilled someone as he said the order while someone was already running. After which he t-locked me. It was a borderline case and not even worth the t-lock.


Normally I wouldn't report this, but he was abusive making fun of me in the server afterwards which hurt my feelings, see the demo.

Proof Links?


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The individual did freekill/shot for both rounds. For the first round, He shot a prisoner a second after I gave an order to unstack up on top part of big cage. I then politely asked him to slay himself for the freekill and he replied with a simple "No." A few seconds after he was shot by a rebel to make me last guard. Second round began and once the cell doors opened I told the T's to get the bottom of cells stairs and freeze. The individual then shot a player from the stack and did damage to him. I then asked again for him to slay himself. Again with the response of "No." So I tlocked him for 3 rounds. I can confess I did make fun of him when he asked to be un t-locked which was out of my place. But other than that I was giving him multiple chances to do the right thing and give him time to think what he did wrong while he waited for the round to be over.

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My impression:


Scruga, you shot the guy way too early in the first round -- Maine was still explaining the order (i.e. you killed the T as Maine said the word "wall" with respect to seeing the warden office's back wall). That would have warranted a slay. If you intended to not slay yourself, I would have done it for you.


In the second round, there shouldn't have been a t-lock. Scruga was right to shoot at the guy moving in his cell when the cells automatically opened (although Scruga needs to be wary of the auto cell opening and not be so close to the cells at that point), and it appears Maine t-locked Scruga under a misinterpretation of the complaint by one of the Ts, who WAS disobeying the order.


Scruga did not shoot into the stack as you claim, Maine, and the t-lock was for five rounds.


Overall, I will conclude with this:


Scruga - Don't be trigger happy as a CT. Pay attention to whether the lead has fully terminated the explanation of the order (especially if it's being repeated).


Maine - Don't use admin based on a verbal complaint. This can lead to predicaments like these.



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