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Caution With Adding Steam Friends


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Hey, i've been getting a LOT of random friend requests lately from accounts that I don't know. I've started looking into it, and for every single account thats added me, theres 100+ of the exact same account. Same name, same pictures, always private with unfinished profiles. I haven't added any, but i'm assuming they're bots adding you and then sending you links to click when you accept which give you malware or something worse. If you guys get random friend requests from people you don't know, DO NOT accept it unless you find out who it is, and certainly don't click any links. I just wanted to let you guys know about it, since most people don't think about things like that.



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And this is why i just accept people with 5 or more friends in common, level 20+ and that not all the friends are girls (i hate girls collectors..) otherwise i'll block or ignore.It's common sense to not click any weird link, specially on steam and sent by a strange person, should check the link first not simply click it, that's pretty dumb.Only click secure and trust links like youtube, imgur, etc..

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Even links you think may be secure, may not be. You can change what a link says, while it actually goes elsewhere.


You really can't. If you went to steamcornmunity it's because you clicked on steamcornmunity.


Water is wet, more at 9.

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