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Zombie Points


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So when everyone was saying that it was a terrible idea to let zombies get points back when I said it, then they added it in a way that is dumb as shit so that a zombie can get more points than most human players I got kind of annoyed. The best ways to fix this is to allow zombies to buy higher level zombies at earlier waves with points, especially on objective maps. The point system does not need to be changed or anything in regards to how much you get. The problems with this would be how much a zombie costs and I would suggest that it goes something like 50-30 points for a zombie and 5 points less for each zombie before it per wave. To be clear these would not be a permanent unlock for the player it would be a one time spawn and must be payed again to respawn as that zombie.

When I proposed this in the server someone said this would be a great idea to also apply to bosses which originally I thought would be stupid but then the solution to balance issues came in the form of only a single payed for boss could exist at a time and a player can only become a payed for boss during the whole match, either that or add an entirely new zombie that does not unlock normally and must be bought with points.


Edit: duh you shouldn't be able to pay for a boss on wave one, unless you like the idea of a wendigo raping all the wave one katakana dudes Or hate sky cadespecially, or hate normal cades, or people who join late.

Edited by Nibblewerfer
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I should clarify saying that a good zombie will profit more than the average human player, and possibly more than the top human player I'd the zombies win before wave 5. I have compared the profit I made starting as a zombie which goes between 150-250 pure no risk profit, while the human team struggles to go positive if they spend money at all.

What do you think of the paying points as zombie though.

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I think a good way to go is to add optional risk to playing a zombie, maybe purchasing a spawn as a zombie class or unlocking a class early (to be clear classes should still unlock normally. The point cost should be 10+5x where X is the number of waves till that zombie is unlocked, under this system a single spawn as a zombine on wave 1 would cost 30.

I say that they should choose the single spawn or the permanent unlock for a class and not both. For the cost of unlocking a class for the rest of the game it should be 50+50x where again x is the number of waves till that zombie is unlocked. So it would cost 250 to buy zombie wave 1.

The Imom later could be balanced by beING classed as a wave 7 zombie and given the stats of such (cost and effectiveness). Also the idea of payed for zombosses should be ignored cause that's just dumb.

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I guess people don't read the entire post when the quote the whole thing. Let me reiterate ZOMBIES UNLOCK NORMALLY WITH THE PER WAVE BASIS YOU CAN JUST UNLOCK OR SPAWN AS ONE EARLIER IF YOU CHOOSE TO BUY IT. That was all I was suggesting ( or at least the meat of my idea) this is just the easiest thing I could think of that would allow zombies to spend points. I think the amount of points you get from being a zombie should stay the same so as to prevent zombie rage quitting when they are the first zombies. I remember when sometimes the entire zombie team would rage quit and until wave 2-3 therr would be no zombies with the people who joined as zombie rage quiting because there were no other zombies.

Basically I am trying to find a way to have the zombies have a reason to not instantly rage quit. I would also like there to be professional zombies as in people who like playing zombie and make a habit of it. The amount of points is fine as it is if you add some way to spend them as zombie. Since adding a way to spend points as zombie would be more difficult than nerf in the zombies ability to make points to oblivion I think we all know what's going to happen.

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