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Admin Abuse


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There has been too much going on with admin abuse recently, whether it's them favoring more major players or just to longer bans than required. It's the little things that matter, and i stay vigilant to catch them. I can't say how many times shit has happened to me. I've just been banned for saying "fir" in chat. Evidently that menas im promoting fire. I said "Fir on lead" I was messing around but these things just can't stay. Saying "fire" isn't a cuss word, and it should be used as somone pleases. If somone dislikes a lead, say, "Hey guys, this lead isn't doing the best, let's get a new one." Should not end up in a ban. It shouldn't even be a gag or mute. I just told him what i meant to do, about the "fir" and i wouldn't let up. So i'm telling you guys. Kick these badmins out. They are unreliable, and unstable. It is not for the welfare of players to have some rich douchebag come in and be a cunt to whoever he wants just cause he pays some money every month. Admins should be players who love and adore the server they play on. They should be active, kind, yet fair. But, in that case, I'm not perfect either. I've done many things wrong, but some things are just not good. It's not correct and should be addressed. I'd say the name of the admin but i'm not sure that's allowed. I thank you for your time reading this, and i hope it is read by somone who knows their shit. Thanks guys.




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He told you to stop and you didn't. You lashed out on him and got banned for that disrespect. Just don't mess around by saying fir on lead and stop when an admin tells you to stop. If you believe the admin is the wrong, don't keep arguing with him, take it to the forums or talk to a mod or staff member. I suggest you do something about your attitude as well, you won't get anything done by talking like that.

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