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Coding And Source Mod

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(im not trying to steal your servers stuff i would just like to test it like debug)

Most staff don't even have access to our plugins. Not only will you not get access to those any time soon, but not many will really. Even if you did have the plugins, you wouldn't be able to see the source for it so there is no point in hosting a dedicated server just to play jailbreak alone. The source is highly protected, and with the little knowledge you have of sourcemod it would not benefit you to see such a complex set of plugins in their entirety. If you want I will write something simple using as many concepts as I can and you can see how the code works on your own server.
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#include <sourcemod>

public Plugin myinfo =


name = "test 123",

author = "nielsfalko",

description = "My first plugin ever",

version = "1.0",

url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/"


public void onpluginstart()


PrintToServer("hello world"); //You forgot the semi-colon


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This was one of the first plugins I ever built. Its kinda shitty but you can see some new concepts that you might not know.


#include <sourcemod> //include sourcemod which is required
#include <sdktools> //Sdk tools is something I always include
#include <cstrike>  //As this is for cstrike I included cstrike for checking the team
#define HG "[\x04HG\x01]\x04" //Define our custom prefix
new Float:Office[3] = {-1921.8, 838.5, 308.0}; //Register the teleport location
new bool:TP_Allowed = true; //Bool to disable the command (I should have used a convar)
new bool:TP_Enabled = true; //Bool to disable the command after 30 seconds of round start
new Handle: TPTIMER;    //Timer handle
public Plugin:myinfo = { //My beautiful info
   name = "Thomasjosif's Cell opener",
   author = "[HG] Thomasjosif [M]",
   description = "",
   url = "https://hellsgamers.com"
public OnPluginStart() //Called when the plugin starts
   RegConsoleCmd("sm_cells", hg_cells,""); //Reg the command that everyone can use
   RegAdminCmd("sm_cellson", hg_cellson,ADMFLAG_UNBAN,""); //Debug commands that only people with the "unban flag" can use
   RegAdminCmd("sm_cellsoff", hg_cellsoff,ADMFLAG_UNBAN,"");
   HookEvent("round_start", OnRoundStart); //Hook round start
public OnRoundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool db) //Called on round start
   TP_Allowed = true; //Enables the command
   CreateTimer(30.0, Can_Use_TP,Handle:TPTIMER); //Creates a 30 second timer

public Action Can_Use_TP(Handle timer) //Timer callback
   TP_Allowed = false; //Disables the command
public Action:hg_cellson(client, args)
   if(!TP_Allowed) //If teleport is auto disabled it will enable it
 TP_Enabled = true;
 TP_Allowed = true;
 PrintToChatAll("%s \x01 %N \x04 has manually re-enabled Warden's Office teleport.", HG, client);
 return Plugin_Handled;

else    //Does the same thing with a different message. This could have been compressed alot but again, this was my first plugin.
 TP_Enabled = true;
 TP_Allowed = true;
 PrintToChatAll("%s \x01 %N \x04 has manually enabled Warden's Office teleport.", HG, client); //%S is the string for HG which is our prefix. client is the client index of the person running the command which we can print with %N
 return Plugin_Handled; //Return that the plugin has successfully completed

public Action:hg_cellsoff(client, args) //opposite of the above command
 PrintToChat(client, "[\x04HG\x01]\x04 Teleport is allready manually disabled!"); //Manually used the prefix here for some reason.
 return Plugin_Handled;

 TP_Enabled = false;
 TP_Allowed = false;
 PrintToChatAll("%s \x01 %N \x04 has manually disabled Warden's Office teleport.", HG, client);
 return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:hg_cells(client, args) //The command client is the client args although this is sourcemod 1.6 which is different from sourcemod 1.7 where it changes
if(!TP_Enabled) //If the command is disabled stop and print a message
 PrintToChat(client, "%s Command has been disabled.", HG)
 return Plugin_Handled

else if(!TP_Allowed) //If 30 seconds has passed stop and print a messages
    PrintToChat(client, "%s Command cant be used past the first\x07 30 seconds \x04of the round!", HG);
    return Plugin_Handled;

   else if(GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_CT) //If the client is on spec/t do not allow it
    PrintToChat(client, "%s Only Guards can teleport to the Warden's Office!", HG);
    return Plugin_Handled;

   else //Everthing checks out here lets go to the next sptep
    if(!IsPlayerAlive(client)) //Are they alive?
  PrintToChat(client, "%s You must be alive to teleport to the Warden's Office!", HG);
	    return Plugin_Handled;

 else //Lets teleport them now.
  TeleportEntity(client, Office, NULL_VECTOR , NULL_VECTOR);
  PrintToChat(client, "%s You have been teleported to the Warden's Office!", HG);
  return Plugin_Handled;


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