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Asus Sabertooth 990Fx Ram Config Issues


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I have the ASUS Sabertooth 990FX motherboard (BIOS version 1604) and I'm trying to configure 2 lots of Corsair RAM (Corsair Memory Vengeance Black 8GB DDR3 1866 MHz CAS 9 XMP).


Not sure if relevant but I have the AMD FX-8150 8-Core CPU. Also note that the mobo is the first version, not any of the new ones.


Just plugging them in always gives me memory check errors on the 9-16GB range, no matter which set of RAM I plugin first.


Can someone tell me how to configure these in the BIOS please?


Here are photos of the actual RAM. I noticed that the version numbers do not match between the two sets but hopefully that is not an issue?





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Well good news is that your memory is on the QVL list so at least it's been tested in all configs.


First of all, if youhave anything overclocked. Turn it all off and set it to the default or optimized (Asus has a default for it).


Place (any, since they are all the same) 2 of the sticks in DIMMs 0 and 2 respectively. and find out if those are faulty.


If those check out, remove them and do the same for the next two.


Finally, place all four in and place them in.


Also are you using memtest x86?


ok, in regards to t he memory settings themselves, it doesn't really matter since you're really stuck to them unless you wanna start overclocking.


For the BIOS settings for overclocking, you can either use the XMP profiles and work from there.

The heatsinks of the RAM DIMMs are nice so you shoudl be able to push the timings of the RAM a bit (9-9-9-24 @ 1.5 easily, since they tested it at 9-10-9-24). Then we work your way down on either voltage or timings or both if you feel comfortable.


However, before you actually do any overclocking... I strongly suggest you determine if any of your DIMMs are flakey or unstable.

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