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Free Sigs


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Hello everyone, I love being involved with this community in anyway I can. In this sense its through my love of photoshop and art. If you would like a signature, I dont promise it right away or for you to actually use it but, I promise to put as much effort as I can into it.


So you will have to help me to speed up my sig making process


Fill out this application to the best of your ability and tell me what you want to see.


1. Font (for reference use dafont.com)


2. Color (I like sticking to a certain color scheme however this is your signature. I like using http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names/ for my colors, reds, greens, blues, greys, whites, browns, yellows, etc.)


3. Images (What do you want to see in your sig, HG pride, gay pride, country pride, any god damn image you want, I'll make it work)


4. Text (what would you like it to say? HG Division Staff, Member, Your name, etc.)


Im also trying to be apart on the GFX team for HG, this will give me an opportunity to make signatures and use them for my portfolio of work. I'll post your sig here when its ready. Be patient please.

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1. Font (for reference use dafont.com) Budmo


2. Color (I like sticking to a certain color scheme however this is your signature. I like usinghttp://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names/ for my colors, reds, greens, blues, greys, whites, browns, yellows, etc.) Reds, whites, blues.


3. Images (What do you want to see in your sig, HG pride, gay pride, country pride, any god damn image you want, I'll make it work) Dat boi, Pepe, some dickbutts, any good memes you can think about.


4. Text (what would you like it to say? HG Division Staff, Member, Your name, etc.) [HG] James (on the top) DANK MEME ENTHUSIAST (on the bottom)

Edited by James
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1. Font: Pricedown/Pricedown Black (GTA font)


2. Color: Black and White (think Yin/Yang or Duality)


3. Images: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/pqQAAOSwd0BVtHvj/s-l300.jpg






4. Text: Watermelon Jackson "Giving T's Orders since 2010"

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