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unbanned Azona Permanent Ban Appeal


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3 months ago I've been permanently banned from the forums, teamspeack and game servers.

I've been told to come around again when "I got a chance to calm down"

Well here is my appeal, summer time will soon come to an end and I'm gonna feel the need to make those tetris barricades again.


Sirius, Skay and ATB I'll talk to you for the following since my earlier attempts to reason with you led to nowhere.

A lot of things happened between December and May so I will take a few shortcuts to formulate this right.

After the recent PERP revival the 2013 story seemed to be on the roll to happen again, meaning the almost complete defection of the HG ZS community at the time, put under pressure by some people more interested in old time politics rather than having fun playing together being in the same Gmod team.


When I understood what was going on, and because I was the only one with Webflashing from ZS knowing what happened back then, I decided to not let them be in business with HG ZS again.

I didn't do this for personal reasons.

Let's say that with a few people, we invested a lot of time beween 2013 and 2014 to prevent the server to sink down to a 0/90 population.

I actually worked real hard to keep my personnal fun on this server intact by moderating, managing the ZS community, participating in various projects to keep the server entertaining fun to play, and would it be for me, it was also for everyone else playing there.

And unfortunately, I don't let anyone to disrespect my work, or disrespect my friends who actually participated to keep this server alive when the shitstorm was raging.


So I let these people come to me in December, and since they wanted to play this little game again, I made sure that they focus their efforts on me rather than the other HG ZS members and recruits, because I knew how far they were ready to go to do shit for fun, meaning a permanent ban which they never really cared about.

And this little game lasted 6 months until somebody finaly decide to do something and took proof of what they have been doing for so long.

Because yes, the proof you have, showing their background activity is only a small piece in this 6 months long testosterone exhibition.


And I'm going to say this, because it's the truth, I calm and not angry.

I let them do their job, breaking every single rule of this community for the fun of it, because I know how to manage this kind of behavior.

I didn't break any of your rules on purpose, in 3 years.

To defend myself I was forced to troll them, I never trolled someone for the fun of it.


I will also add a word about the accusations which were formulated on me about the "toxic behavior" concerning the server direction and development.

I'm not going to talk about the said "leadership disrespect", but maybe the following will help some of you to understand a few things.

There is only one HG ZS server, crew, community and playerbase.

I consider Zombie Survival a game by itself, I barely played any other gamemode in Garry's mod.

I've been involved in independant games development for quite a few years now (Black Mesa, Natural Selection 2, other HL² mods).


I know how hard it is to develop a game.

I know the outstanding work Kigen, Papa john and Forrest have done to improve this server game experience.

I also know Zombie Survival game mechanics quite well.

So, when new and exclusives updates came live on the server, I was able to call the benefits and problems in matter of gameplay.

When it was all good I said it.

When I felt it was not balanced or not fitting ZS gameplay I also said it, in a constructive way, I never criticised for the fun of it.

I posted many threads as updates were being released, having the ONLY perspective to improve things.

When came the time where what I said was considered toxic bahavior, I continued to say what I thought, because I care about the fun going on there.

And that's it.


You may not agree with what is written above, you may not unban me, but you have to understand I'm not hostile to this server, it's members and leadership.

I only light my computer to have fun.

If I come to be unbanned, you have to know that I'm not going to change my behavior.

Just take some time to understand what is my point before calling the ban button !


EDIT : I'd like to mention the fact that I make this appeal to be able to play the game.

I don't plan to join the community, teamspeack or the forums again.


Thanks for reading

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Since i was a part of your ban I'd like to put my few cents in. You said alot of things that were true and good, but this part...this part here


I let them do their job, breaking every single rule of this community for the fun


of it, because I know how to manage this kind of behavior.

you claim you let them do their job but there were countless bans and


reports to leadership you were always reprimanding mods and back seating them saying they were not doing what they were suppose to


do, when in reality they were. I also have another issue, instead of taking issues to how we normally do things in HG you say this: [quote


name=AzoNa2' timestamp='1470042918' post='700615] To defend myself I was forced to troll them, I never trolled someone for the fun of



Forced to troll? On the contrary i think not, we have abuse reports for that as you have clearly used them in the past but instead


of making more reports you rather decide to make yourself more of an ass then anything else. This destroys your credibility. Leading to


your ban this was what infuriated me, when instead of once again putting it to the forums about a particular rule you screamed at me "I don't


care." And you so very snidely put your two cents in to once again, backseat mods.


If I come to be unbanned, you have to know that I'm not going to change my behavior


If you won't change the way you act then why do we have a reason to have you unbanned at all? Is this not the whole point of a ban


appeal? This is all i have to say. If Leadership wishes to remove my post i'd kindly like them to ask me first why before removing it.


Locking this for DL+



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If I come to be unbanned, you have to know that I'm not going to change my behavior.


Parole Board: Why do you think you should be released early?

Prisoner: Here's my long story of how it all went wrong, why it happened and how it was everyone elses fault.

Parole Board: If you are released, are you just going to go back to doing the same things that landed you here again?

Prisoner: Of course I am, don't be silly. Sooooooo... how about that parole?

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Nah you are being mistaken guys, I'm not in jail.

I can tell you what would be this said same behavior if that is what you want to know :


- Having fun with my friends in the ZS server playing intense games

- Building A+ tetris cades for hours to enjoy them a few minutes with the brave players who helped me to achieve them

- Communicating with my fellow teamates survivors and zombies with secret lenny codes

- Having a strong autistic attitude so we can all laugh about or ability to look like 8 year old Kleiners

- Saying what I have in mind at a certain moment, what I think could make the server gameplay/ambience even more fun

- Suggesting stuff, maps, texture works and so on


Yeah sounds stupid but this is my way to play this game, it's been going this way for a few years now and no one ever complained about it, in fact it was quite the opposite !

Edited by AzoNa2
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