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WarFare's Unban Request


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1. Your in-game name: under the alias of "zewted"

2. Server that you were banned on: cs_office

3. The Banning admin: Mr. Brian Petres -> Deagle.....

4. Your Steam-Id: 0:1:12451185

5. Reason for ban: Deagle: "Warfare arent you still banned baddie?" -> Banned



Quote from Clark "NO DEMO NO BAN!"









Edited by Artillery
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Is it necessary to drop power words when making an unban request? (Power words being someone's full name) Anyway, this is obviously something that you're going to have to talk to the high ups about as they're pretty much aware of all the details as I have only a little bit of the story.

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1. Your in-game name: under the alias of "zewted"

2. Server that you were banned on: cs_office

3. The Banning admin: Mr. Brian Petres -> Deagle.....

4. Your Steam-Id: 0:1:12451185

5. Reason for ban: Deagle: "Warfare arent you still banned baddie?" -> Banned



Quote from Clark "NO DEMO NO BAN!"










Sadly he has a point...

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Copy and paste the douche rule. And the "don't-know-how-to-shut-up" rule? Oh and the cocky rule. Oh and the "I don't need a ban request to get unban" rule too.


AND I think you need to stop thinking people are banning you because they think you cheat. Get off your high horse bro.

Edited by GIR[]_
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lyds... you were the first one to perm ban me over a team flash...


before i team flashed you, you team flashed me and said "are you blind warfare?" i died and laughed it off...


then a few rounds later you say something about how you don't have a flash and i say... "heres one" and throw it at you... it didnt even cause you any harm you were sitting in spawn with no one else there. then you put on your rage face and ban me.





Keep him banned for a while.

He thinks he will just keep getting unbanned.


the point is.. i shouldnt be banned in the first place, and there was no reason for the second ban...



1. I was PERMA banned by lyds for a teamflash (only her... noone else was around, after she teamflashed me on purpose)


2. I get unbanned by artillery... DIDNT EVEN ASK FOR IT


3. I rejoin the server and get perma banned by deagle with the response "arent you still banned baddie"



in before "COOL STORY BROH"

Edited by warfare55
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Let's see if my reason for banning you is not good enough...


1. Everyone was spamming sounds. I said specifically in ADMIN SAY to stop spamming sounds. Other people stop, and what do you do? Continue doing it so I mute/gag/silence (whatever) you. Then you rejoin, avoiding my mute.


2. You rejoin and spammed the sound once or twice more to PROVE that you're annoying. I could have banned you for rejoining but I didn't. I let you chill.


3. You then proceed to type in the server something along the lines of "I'm a girl and have a vagina and I like to abuse Warfare and eat noodles." I can also ban you for disrespecting me and being a complete retard, but I didn't.


4. I don't remember EVER team flashing you on purpose or ever asking if you were blind or suggesting in anyway that I was purposely team flashing you, because first off, I don't team flash on purpose - for the fun of it EVER. So if I did team flash you, it was probably on accident. I apologize? Then later you team flashed me. I warned you and said "Don't do it again or I'm perm banning you and I'll fucking do it" and you being Warfare, didn't believe I was gonna do it? Thought you were cool? Idk. You ended up doing it again so I permanently banned you.


The reason why it said "team flashing" because I didn't think the reason box would fill all your stupidity so I just randomly chose an excuse, which is the final tick that I made my decision off of.


Sounds fair enough?

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I'm honestly surprised this thread hasn't been closed yet.


He's obviously not gonna get unbanned.

What's the point of keeping this open so people can sit around and argue and prove their point a little bit more? Yeah just what we need.

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