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An Open Letter To All Jailbreakers.


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This is an open letter to all Jailbreakers, past and present. There is no TL;DR cause it requires a full read.


This is an apology. An apology for an act of sabotage that I should never have committed; leaving an error within the Jailbreak Map and causing it to crash and lose population for a time. This goes out to everyone as it affected more than 10,000 unique players (and yes, I counted) and caused precious time lost. Note what I am about to say does not excuse the fact of my act, it is simply there to explain my (flawed) reason behind the act.


Back half a year ago, I was not a happy camper (and now I'm a grumpy young man, go figure) due to the way I was treated, it was very bad at the time by some within the community. With that fact, I was also very upset over the apparent lack of development going within the actual gamemode itself, people sitting idly and not fixing issues right away as they came up. While developing the map for the next release, I noticed that the map while compiling was leaking memory (Small Heap Stack fallout error). Originally I was working out how to fix it, however with myself feeling that those responsible for development at the time (again, this is seemingly) didn't really care for the inherent problems and glitches within JB at the time, I chose rather than bring this up with the respective division leaders at the time, to leave the error in.


Now I want to say at this point that I originally was not aware that the leak was much larger than I thought when testing. Originally the map would leak roughly 12MB (the equivilent of the packed map) per round, and that the garbage collector would be able to come around and collect it. When it started crashing the server however, I fell silent. I knew at that stage the map would leak roughly five times that and that the garbage collector would never get the chance to clean. I misled many persons as to the reason for the crash in the hope that the gamemode would be eventually fixed through desperation. I specifically misled those who had the most trust within me to get the job done, and to get it done correctly. Especially sirius, who didn't deserve any stress over this.


This should never have happened, and I'm using this post to demonstrate my regret. To demonstrate that I am quite frankly disappointed within myself as to how I acted, and to apologize for misuse, malice and for sabotaging Jailbreak for the actions of a few shirelarks and bullies.


This specifically goes out to Thomas, Burnt, Sirius and Puremindless, who lost a lot of man hours attempting to fix a disaster that I left in. That was nobody's fault but mine and mine alone.


I am sorry.

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Good apology man, and even though you did it the fact you have the balls to admit it shows a lot about you. You've learned to not do it and hopefully nothing like this will happen again, as a wise teenager said to me, don't fall down the rabbit hole a second time.


I mean I know I speak for nobody but myself (and bangbang the hoe), but I forgive you man, still helped make a great map and contributed to the community well.

Edited by Charliee
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  • Executive Council

This is an open letter to all Jailbreakers, past and present. There is no TL;DR cause it requires a full read.



I am sorry.

I remember you mentioning you were reworking the map (shrinking and remaking it,etc) to fix this problem. Is this what you were referring to when you said it was bigger than you realized? I thought this was one of the reasons the map was stripped of so much content, doge house, obs race, etc, was this the case? Was that only a partial fix? Were you able to find the root cause finally?



I didn't notice any problems... JB ran okay even on my old shitty pc. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Just relax Skay :)


This was server side, so it would not have affected how it ran for you so much until the server started running out of memory.

Edited by imasonaz
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