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Elad's Draft Of The Ttt Rules


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i'de say define false KOS(cause you can see someone shoting at you,KOS him,and then he's inno,yet you get punished) And idk about the intentionally comiting suicicide,in my opinion they should be alowed to.

This makes it so people don't just kill themselves for getting inno instead of getting t. Personally I +1 the idea


On other note, well put together!

Edited by Pride
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i'de say define false KOS(cause you can see someone shoting at you,KOS him,and then he's inno,yet you get punished)

And idk about the intentionally comiting suicicide,in my opinion they should be alowed to.

yeah absolutely!

as for the intentional suicide, i dont like it. killing yourself just because you arent a traitor defeats the purpose of the gamemode.

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