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If You Can't Code, Can't Make Maps, Can't Spend The Cash, How Can You Help?

Sunbro Solaire

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This is the question that comes to mind when I think: "What can I do to help? To make a difference?" Of course what floods through my mind along with these thoughts are that of "Well I could code for them, or design maps, even." Alas, I can't do that; so what? I don't have the extra money to spend towards HG's development. This brings me to a stand still. You are probably saying to yourself right now "This guy is a simple recruit, he has no need and should NOT worry about working for HG/making an impact/improvements." That may be true, but also realize I've been playing on your servers for a very long time, and only recently discovered the wonders of clan applications and memberships. ;) Now where do I start? I'd love to somehow help out with events, help with planning, do something that is within my skill set. I have multiple ideas flowing throughout my head daily and I'm all for organizing and setting up daily happenings, per say.

If there is anyway at all that I am able to help out and work towards the betterment of this community and its forums, I ask any member, staff, council, human being to PLEASE not hesitate to message me. I have a lot of free time on my hands, and I'm practically playing on your servers most hours of every day. You can imagine I'd rather use this time to better the community itself in any way I can.



I am available for contact through forum PM's, Steam, and my email which you can find within my profile details.




Once again this is Sunbro, hoping you have a great one.


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With the new system being introduced there are going to be many positions and even more teams coming soon. These positions on the teams will need to be filled. I urge you to speak with Governor or Peacemaker for more information. I'm sure they will guide you and might possibly find a place for you ;)

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If you are consider trying to learn to map,you can talk to anyone in the mapping division, me, terrible, or nightshade. as we fix current maps and are some of us are currently making maps. We can help you on how to set up hammer (CSGO and gmod currently).

If you havent talked to me you arent on the mapping team... PM me with those others included to discuss anything further.

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Negative. While this definitely adds to your credibility, if you can prove that you are a trustworthy, mature, and valuable member to the community then you would have a decent chance to be picked. :)

Great, I hope to see moderator applications open if I get member after October 6th! Can't wait, I'm ready to do some clean up and hard work! ;)

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