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Hellsgamers Cs:go Community Video Project


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This is something I've been wanting to do for quite awhile so I'm finally gonna open this up and start editing.


I'm planning on making a CS:GO related frag video for all of HG, so basically all of our members clips put into 1 big frag video to go up on the official HG YouTube channel.


So how will it work? Well, this will be a very long project for me, because it will be a lot of editing, so I want you guys to pick the best clip you have, maybe you got a sick ACE, or a nice 1v5, or 3 1 taps. This will be a long project as a I said so you can start saving up your clips now.


How this video will work is I will record each demo invidiually, and your clip will have your name attached to it in the video.


The clips do NOT have to be in an HG10man. It could be anything, a clip in ESEA, CEVO, faceit, matchmaking. I would PREFER if it were an HG10man but it doesn't have to be.


So, if you'd like to be in this video, PM me on the forums with the following:


Demo link:

Round it happened (tick preffered):

Description of what you did:


I'm going to bump this thread every once and awhile so hopefully we get some entries from all different members.


P.S: you don't need to be global, you could be a silver, as long as it was a good play.


Go review them demos!!! Thanks! :)

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