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You TF2 Player want a Ghostly Gibus Hats?


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(If you dident know already)

You might know this, but, you seen people with the Ghostly Gibus Hats.

they stopped giving them out.

You can now earn them

From TF2 site:

here's how to get a Gibus of your very own. You know those smug hat-wearing so-and-so's who didn't tell you where to get a hat the first time around? Go dominate one of them while they're flaunting the Gibus and we'll give you one of your own! It's the exact same hat--but better, because unlike them, you will have earned it!

[you can still get your hands on one by dominating any son of a bitch you see wearing it in the Harvest map]







Halloween Special.

Welcome, if you dare, to the first ever Team Fortress Haunted Halloween Special! Five new update-specific achievements will unlock the Mildly Disturbing Halloween Hats—moldering, eldritch veils of such manifold depravity, the human eye will not process the sheer enormity of their malevolence, and out of self-preservation will merely show you paper bags with faces on them. These faces are still moderately scary, though, so brace yourselves for mild terror! [sound of bat wings]



Edited by m3rg3
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