ttaM Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 Hello HG, Let me first remind you all that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 comes out November 10th(12th for Steam). Originally we were going to create a HeLLsGamers server to run Modern Warfare 2 from day 1, with myself and Koth as Division Leaders and picking up more as we go along. However, it seems Infinity Ward, the developers of MW2 didn't think their new game needed Dedicated Servers. Instead they chose to go to a new PC mutliplayer experience called IW Net, which would be much like a matchmaking service as seen on Xbox Live through games like Halo 3 and the original Modern Warfare(console version). Rather than having the PC gamers use dedicated servers with business class speed and the capability of hosting massive games(60+ players), Infinity Ward's game will be hosted from Peer-to-Peer connections. This essentially marks the end of a game with more than 20 people, as standard internet connections cannot supply the bandwith needed for large player games. Not only that but IW has killed their mod community with this "improved experience targeted toward the casual gamer". (Normally PC Gamers aren't casual at all, they are the ones most in tune with what needs to be done to fix the game and actually are able to, through modding and other things.) No longer can we host a painball mod server, custom maps, or other game variants not included on the disk. This just makes me laugh, the PR director for Infinity Ward recently said this in a blog about the reaction of PC gamers to the news of "No Dedicated Servers" - "IWNET takes the benefits of dedicated servers and allows them to be utilized and accessed by every player, out of the box, while removing the barrier to entry for players unaware of how to maintain a server on their own." Facepalm. Another laughable moment in his blog, which can be found here: Modern Warfare 2 on PC allows us to control the quality of the game much more than ever before as well as utilizing the VAC (Valve-Anti-Cheat) system to keep games clean of hackers and cheaters. Sigh, we'll see how that goes. As far as Modern Warfare 2 goes for HeLLsGamers I still plan on heading some kind of division with Koth. We can make a party and attempt to create a game with a large amount of people or just try to have HG fun time in a private(most likely Unranked like Modern Warfare 1) P2P server. This game to me feels even more like a console port seeing as it's more about appealing to the casual gamer that might get the game because a friend told him to rather than those that have followed the series through and through. Links: P.S. swat would like to mention that Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which comes out on March 2, 2010 (only 5 months away) will be over 9000 times better than MW2 8WGSPnsT75Q Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JuIcY Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 I think the Modern warfare series is geared more towards the console where WAW felt like it was meant for the PC. Ill be preordering my copy before my birthday on the 15th of November just to say, hey I was there FIRST. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
naitome464 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 that sux lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vandium Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 I just want to play the single player. I loved COD4/WAW single player. The multiplayer is awesome too, and a lot more realistic than cs. I hope we can get more people involved in it, and play it more than we play cod4 now. The COD series are the only multiplayer FPS games that I really enjoy on a multiplayer basis, aside of cs. I still would like to have a cod4 paintball server. I think by limiting the guns to the lower rate of fire weapons, it would be more fun. The machine guns ruined that mod for me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Weeman Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 ill join you and koth if you guys do decide to continue going through with the division, but what you said is disappointingly true :-( i feel like i could get the 360 version and put it on my PC and it would work >.> god dam it! and infinity ward was the GOOD company that produced call of duties. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D3nL Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 Good thing I can't host a listen server for killing floor lag free with more than 6 people. In my good words Sounds promising. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BIG.Z Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 COD on PC = FAIL PS3/XBOX360 FTW Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vandium Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 BIG.Z said: COD on PC = FAIL PS3/XBOX360 FTW Your computer must fail then. Mouse and keyboard is the way to go. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 vandium said: Mouse and keyboard is the way to go. So true. I'm in all honesty, not as excited for this game as I previously was before I found out about the non dedi support. That completely ruins the online game play, however I'm with van, I'm just as excited for the single player as I was the multi... I'm not buying it right away, however I will be buying Battlefield Bad Company 2, which is coming out for the pc sometime soon. Me and Bort have both agreed, that it looks amazing, and he said he wants to start a dedicated server for it from day one Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vandium Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 John said: So true. I'm in all honesty, not as excited for this game as I previously was before I found out about the non dedi support. That completely ruins the online game play, however I'm with van, I'm just as excited for the single player as I was the multi... I'm not buying it right away, however I will be buying Battlefield Bad Company 2, which is coming out for the pc sometime soon. Me and Bort have both agreed, that it looks amazing, and he said he wants to start a dedicated server for it from day one I have bad company on xbox, and it is amazing too. Graphics are awesome, and no framerate issues. The multiplayer is really cool too, however, I can't aim real well with the thumb joy. (sniping) I am more excited about Bad Company 2 than I am MW2. I saw some videos, and it looks amazing. And finally being able to tear down entire buildings, walls, etc...awesome. I loved in BC1 how you could shoot a hole in the wall to get to enemies, leave craters on the ground, and destroy bridges, etc. I hope they have some really cool weapons. The laser guided missle was awesome, especially in multiplayer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
md.blur Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 BIG.Z said: COD on PC = FAIL PS3/XBOX360 FTW Agreed >.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingless Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 With this being the road they went, there is less of a reason for me to get the game for the PC over the 360. It's pretty much the same multiplayer experience. Though often the Live matchmaking system did nothing but piss me off... Not to mention, most people I know have the game for the 360. I guess we'll see. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 vandium said: I have bad company on xbox, and it is amazing too. Graphics are awesome, and no framerate issues.The multiplayer is really cool too, however, I can't aim real well with the thumb joy. (sniping) I am more excited about Bad Company 2 than I am MW2. I saw some videos, and it looks amazing. And finally being able to tear down entire buildings, walls, etc...awesome. I loved in BC1 how you could shoot a hole in the wall to get to enemies, leave craters on the ground, and destroy bridges, etc. I hope they have some really cool weapons. The laser guided missle was awesome, especially in multiplayer. I've watched alot of videos on bc2, they just released a new video Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bort Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 all i have to say is..... That's what Bad Company 2 is for. actually that's not all i have to say... let's think of all the bad things that come with NOT having dedicated servers: 99.999 % of the time, the person hosting the game will have a standard, residential internet connection, which may have fine download speeds, but is nearly guaranteed to have crappy upload speed. Which extremely essential in hosting a game If you have more than about 5 or 10 people, your match will lag.... go try hosting a sv_lan 0 server from your css client if you don't believe me, and listen to everyone complain about their latency if any single person in the match has a crappy internet, everyone will lag running both server functionality and a CPU intensive game client is asking for trouble. for example, go try hosting a game from your CSS client and when someone joins, your game stutters and freezes while they are joining When you join a dedicated server, your personal IP address is not available to everyone else; only to the server. When you join a P2P game, everyone can tracert your IP and then they can do bad things with your IP No clans No communities No "hey, lets all join this server! it will be so fun; it's a really good server" No mods No third party fixes to exploits (and lets be honest: exploits WILL be found, and as we have seen with some other companies *cough valve cough* , they are often slow and/or not compelled to patch the game) If the host leaves the game, there are two things that can happen. Both of them are bad.the game ends the game host switches to someone else, who might have an even crappier CPU or internet connection than the original host [*]Can't have many players per server [*]probably more i cant think of atm cancel your MW2 pre-orders and either sign the petitoon which currently has about 171 THOUSAND signatures, or just ignore this crappy XBOX PORTED game and move onto a real PC game: Bad Company 2 (vehicles FTW) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Weeman Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 Borts not kidding check this out Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devistator Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 BF FTW Ive been play '42 for a long time since the first week the demo came out actually cant wait for BC2 to come out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
n1ckkkkk Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 sign the petition guys Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blindy Posted November 1, 2009 Share Posted November 1, 2009 Heya, I was really interested in purchasing this game on the 12th, but if they're not allowing dedicated servers, then there is no need for me to buy it. What a total let down. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D3nL Posted November 1, 2009 Share Posted November 1, 2009 bort said: If the host leaves the game, there are two things that can happen. Both of them are bad.the game ends the game host switches to someone else, who might have an even crappier CPU or internet connection than the original host Ironically, this is the same system Warcraft 3 runs off of. You know, the game that came out in 2002? Nevermind that it's a low quality rts that will has no where near the load of a fps. You know what people have done? They've coded bots to host games which connect to dedicated servers instead of a regular listen host. Have they done any research? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hobbes Posted November 1, 2009 Share Posted November 1, 2009 D3nL said: Ironically, this is the same system Warcraft 3 runs off of. You know, the game that came out in 2002? Nevermind that it's a low quality rts that will has no where near the load of a fps. You know what people have done? They've coded bots to host games which connect to dedicated servers instead of a regular listen host. Have they done any research? I was thinking about this when I read this thread. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blindy Posted November 1, 2009 Share Posted November 1, 2009 Ninja KitKat said: Why must I sign this petition? I don't want the game anyway. To help those who do want the game. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vandium Posted November 4, 2009 Share Posted November 4, 2009 Devistator said: BF FTW Ive been play '42 for a long time since the first week the demo came out actually cant wait for BC2 to come out. The mod Desert Combat for bf1942, is pretty awesome. I havn't played it in years, but it has fighter jets, transport planes, heli's, and tons of vehicles. The graphics might be just a tad dated, but still really nice and fun. And I agree about console vs pc gaming. BF Bad Company and GTA4 (plus others) showed me how well the system can run high quality games, with large draw distances and detailed environments. These game engines are being optimized to handle data like never before. My only issue is using a thumb stick to aim in FPS, you just don't get the accuracy as you do with a mouse. I can never find that right sensitivity with the thumbstick. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doovad Posted November 4, 2009 Share Posted November 4, 2009 Sometimes nothing. But it can show how much the company cares about how the public feels about an aspect of their product. If they got over 100,000 people to actually make a petition about this... it says something. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vandium Posted November 4, 2009 Share Posted November 4, 2009 Ninja KitKat said: So what does this petition actually do? Probably nothing. I am still going to buy it, even if just for the single player. We don't even have many members playing cod4 online, which I wish we did. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pocceemon Posted November 7, 2009 Share Posted November 7, 2009 might there be a lot more people that play mw2 than css when it comes out? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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