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Why I Think Of Hg As A Family Do You?


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I think of this community as a family because what you guys told me it really touched me and supported my like my father would before he died and this community is so positive so nice so.... caring you guys are the coolest and everyone here in this community are my brothers and sisters and yes im actually crying while i was write this post because of what you guys told me in my latest post i am soooooo thankful to these people and i hope the best for them same with you the person who is reading this. Now tell me Do YOU think of this community like a supportive family? thank you for reading.


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Ignoring the memers + people who aren't taking this post seriously, HG is literally family away from family. I've been here long enough to see so many faces and people's stories that its actually insane. At the end of the day, we're able to come together as a community regardless of whats happening in the real life. Playing games, laughing at people's stupid mistakes or memes, or making a new meme along the way makes it even better.


I've met friends here that are legit my closest friends compared to people I've known in real life. It's insane!


Sorry about your loss as well. My condolences to you and your family.

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  On 10/26/2016 at 11:26 PM, Huejay said:

Ignoring the memers + people who aren't taking this post seriously, HG is literally family away from family. I've been here long enough to see so many faces and people's stories that its actually insane. At the end of the day, we're able to come together as a community regardless of whats happening in the real life. Playing games, laughing at people's stupid mistakes or memes, or making a new meme along the way makes it even better.


I've met friends here that are legit my closest friends compared to people I've known in real life. It's insane!


Sorry about your loss as well. My condolences to you and your family.



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  On 10/27/2016 at 4:15 PM, .Limenie. said:

I could say that Hellsgamers is like a family to me. There is always someone, who listens or tells stories, which is nice. Also people likes to play with others and support other members. :)

Nina what you just said is beautiful

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