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Sam Antics Is The Name, Wordplay Is The Game

Sam Antics

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Hey HG community,

Excited to finally be an active member of the Community. I figured I would share a little about myself.


I am a huge music fan. I listen to anything hip hop to oldies to punk rock. I mainly listen to old emo (real emo like Pageninetynine or Kodan Armada) and Old rap. I think my favorite musical artist right now is a band by the name of Sorority Noise, but it is constantly changing and in varying genres. For a while I would only listen to Brotha Lynch Hung (Older Stuff). I play guitar a bit but I am not very good, just okay enough to sing along to songs I like. I enjoy singing a lot more but it is a fairly new hobby for me and I am still a beginner. I played piano for about 8 years when I was a kid but haven't gotten back into it since, I would like to though. I enjoy collecting vinyl and tapes as well! I have quite a few. Ask me about them.


When I am not listening to music most likely I am playing video games or working. I enjoy a wide variety of games including FPS', RPGs, and Fighting Games. My Favorite game of all time though I would have to say is Red Dead Redemption. YES I AM EXCITED FOR RDR 2 YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I play cs go probably the most out of any game I play but I suck at it. :( #unrealisticglobalgoals . I always want to play survival games but have no one to play with! Hit me up if you are looking to play games like rust or ark! I'm most likely down!


When I am not playing video games or doing anything related to music you can probably find me

A.) At work (I work at shoe store selling shoes to old people. They are usually a sweet customer base and I enjoy talking to them but its boring as fuck)

B.) Running ( I used to weigh 320 pounds but a year and a half ago when I started running I lost a lot of that weight, and now I'm 180 :D ) ( I run distance, My current longest run is 10 miles in 87 minutes though I want to try 12 soon)

C.) Skateboarding (RADICAL DOOD) (Not so much now that I am an adult and have to pay my own medical bills :( )

D.) Watching comedy YouTubers like SuperMega or CowChop or Any of the Newgrounds Animators like the SleepyCabin Guys OR Netflix/streaming Comedy TV shows like Eric Andre, Rick and Morty, or The Office


EDIT: Feel Free to Chat with me or Add me on Steam, I'm pretty friendly

Edited by Sam Antics
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I feel it man! I like to have substance in my posts on the internet. I believe it adds a level of integrity.


[quote name=blue :D' timestamp='1480202676' post='720107]

Welcome man,


Can't wait for the next red dead game, I poured so many hours of my highschool life into that :o


Thanks. Me too man :D It saved my life in middle school haha!


Welcome! Glad to see you here, feel free to get to know more people in TS and steam!


Thanks Will Do!

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Have you listened to the new Bon Iver yet? and the new Danny Brown?


The correct answer is yes. You pleb.


Dude the New Danny Brown is so sick! I've been listening to it non stop! I have the ltd. pink variant. its so nice





I have listened to the new Bon Iver a bit but I need to listen to it more. I really like that song creeks. That dude has so much soul.


Sup man cool guy likes great music!!


You sound a bit punk in drublic right now jc


Welcome to the forums dude who has great music


Thanks Man. I enjoy a lot, even some stuff a lot of people think is shit!


Welcome To HG

I like Memes



I too like the concept coined by Richard Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins is an intelligent man.

oh hey, its that guy who has a great taste in music. sup


Whats up Clear Cut, Just ordered A Copy of the Orchid S/T LP, and A copy of Inominate by Off Minor! So excited. Ill post pics in general when they come in

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