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Csgo Jb Trivia


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I just kinda thought of this on the spot, so here it is. They're probably pretty easy for all you hardcore JB vets. But.... Here it is!

Also, try not to look at the map while you do this. just use your memory that i know 1/2 of you have <3



1. How many race stall lights are there?


2. how many poles are on the deagle cage?


3. How many cells are there (excluding vip)


4. How many pillars are there in duck hunt? Not including broken one


5. How many shower heads are there in gay showers?


6. (this is fucking hard) What is the note taped in kitchen say?


7. How many individual pillars of wipeout are there?


8. What does the ticker thing on roulette wheel say (hidden message)


9. How many rockets are there in climb? (Physical or drawing) Only in the climb


10. How many individual hurdles are there in hurdles?


11. How many lazers does the moving object with blue lazers in hurdles have?


12. How many breakble hidden wall objects are there? (ONLY BREAKABLE WITH KNIFE, NOT LIKE UNDER 300 VENTS)


13. How much damage do the wrong doors of double doors in death run deal? only one, not both wrong.


14. You really know your Jailbreak if you know all of them.
















Answers: 6 lights, | 7 poles | 14 cells, top & bottom | 18 pillars in duck hunt | 9 shower heads | attention: a Reminder that there is NO drinking on the handling floor! Violators will be dealt with. -managment | 12 pillars | 10 individual hurdles | 3 lazers | 3 hidden wall objects | 2500 damage.



These were so tricky questions. tell me how many you got right! I was only able to get 6/13.

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Map was made in 2015 and the note mightve been just added in 2016 aint no real JB vets gonna know what it says

Kek pretty true idk but anyone who plays JB somewhat often will probably wonder. Either way, its fucking hard. Also im pretty sure that has been here for a while. :)

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