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Done with my sidejob at 4:30 am, what's better to do than some math :)

This topic came up recently and I decided to take a few seconds to see how much rep you earn in csgo's JB :)

Regular Idle rep is gained every 1 minute and 6 sec or 1.1 min.

So: For premium hg members you get: 3 rep/1.1 min=2.73 rep/min and 5 rep/3min (Not confirmed as of yet) =1.67 rep/min adding to 4.4/min! 264 rep/hour, and if you idle for 16 hours (oh god your electric bill)

4,224 rep/day! Or, for a more drastic number 126,720 Rep/month!

Max Idle rep (aka 24/7) would be 190,080 Rep/month!

Some other maths:

You would have to get more than 5 presents (if presents gave an avg 5 rep) per round to beat idle times as a premium (~26.4/round).

Non prem but hg: 163.8 Rep/hour

prem but not hg: 209.4 Rep/hour

Non prem and not hg: 109.4 Rep/hour

Edited by Rains
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Every 1 minute and 6.6 seconds is the rep interval.

 "Every <x> seconds to give each spectator rep_idling rep",

Dang. I knew i timed it right (I was at about 1 min 6.5 sec D:

Oh well math is close enough so they get the general idea aha


1 word could mess up the whole thing :)

Reminds me of when I was defining a constant and forgot to put an s on the end of a word. (aka this morning.)

Used #define Line instead of Lines xdxd

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If you RTD you can get the chance to get 25 rep but then youll spend 80 rep to get out of echair the next round. You can collect rep if you live long enough. Rep math: -55 rep per day


1. Buying VIP is 60 rep not 80 unless they changed it recently and I did not notice.

2. I have a guide to rebelling

3. Buy rep from me. I am cheaper then the HG store and I have almost 120K.

4. Rep-mas presents/ drugs have a rep value ranging from 3 - 7. Unless a Godmin+ comes on and spawns in higher rep amounts or brings in microwaves full of rep.

Edited by Eton145
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